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today everyone is laughing at this trend

Not everyone will dare to repeat such an image.

Soviet women often imitated the main characters of popular films. To be considered a fashionista, it was enough to copy the style of the screen star. For example, many of the fair sex were guided by the appearance of the heroines of such a cult film as “Moscow Does Not Believe in Tears”.

For example, in one of the scenes of the painting by Vladimir Menshov, you can see Vera Alentova wearing white socks under her shoes. Today, everyone makes fun of this trend, but in the 80s it was the latest fashion.

Women willingly wore socks and shoes, considering it not only comfortable, but also beautiful. It is worth recognizing that for the first time it was not the inhabitants of the Soviet Union who began to do this, but the French women. In particular, Coco Chanel came up with a set of rules according to which even high-heeled shoes can be worn with socks if their color is in harmony with the image, and the length is proportional to the length of the dress or skirt.

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