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To win the productive match, the bean needs to be strong from the start

He bean It is one of the alternative crops that has been growing the most in the country, mainly in the northwestern provinces, such as Salta, Tucumán y Jujuy, where its expansion generates good expectations at the beginning of each year.

Hand in hand with global growth in consumption of legumesdue to increased demand from consumers looking for protein alternatives to red meat, It has positioned itself firmly and aims to continue growing both in quantity and quality..

In terms of production, specialists agree that a promising start, with good nutrition, can ensure an optimal crop throughout its cycle.

“Starting from the beginning, with a fertilizer that is located at the base, allows us to think of a more stable crop, where the plant stand and an even birth are assured,” he stressed. Raul Trucotechnical commercial advisor of COMPO EXPERT in the NOA.

The specialist participated with the company in a new edition of the Technical Update Day that organized CLEAR in the city of Salta. There, he highlighted the line of products that COMPO EXPERT develops for Poroto and its participation in the current campaign.

Easy Start It is the company’s workhorse for beans, because it is a micro granule starter widely used in the sowing of the crop,” said the interviewee in dialogue with Infofield.


Easy Start It is applied at the time of sowing and is recommended in doses ranging from 20 to 40 kilos per hectaredepending on various indicators, such as: lot fertility, previous crop, crop rotation, previous complementary fertilization, production objective, management, among others.

“This type of starter fertilizers, because of their high solubility; because they are in close contact with the seed and are housed in the site of the future roots (at a small dose compared to other sources), practically They do not compete for moisture with the seed and increase their efficiency in using all nutrients.“, Trucco explained.

According to the spokesman, it can be incorporated in the sowing line or at the side of itwhile maintaining its advantages. “To ensure the best crop start, with balanced nutrition, this product is an excellent tool.“, he pondered

Besides, COMPO EXPERTalso presented in Salta, its Pack Nutrition package, which includes, in addition to the start with Easy Startthe incorporation of others specific micronutrients to achieve successful bean development throughout the cycle.

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