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To the last vote | The HuffPost

Free the Emilia Romagna region from the “communists” and intercom on Monday morning to Giuseppe Conte to dislodge him from Palazzo Chigi. The synthesis of this last remnant of the election campaign, of this angry, grudging piazza del Popolo di Ravenna, which beats its chest at the mere hearing of the notes of the Anthem of Mameli, is all contained in the old center-right coalition, but with traction Salvini who does not change her opponent after 25 years. In fact, start again from the starting point. That is, from the fight against “communism”. Here they are, Matteo Salvini, Giorgia Meloni and Silvio Berlusconi. Here they are, the three tenors of a coalition who bet all the chips on the victory in Emilia Romagna and dream of the infamous shoulder to the Giallorossi government. Only in this last meeting is missing the re-enactment of the “black book of communism” which was a must of the propaganda of the Knight of Arcore. It is no coincidence that there are even those who, albeit in a low voice, make use of an affirmation that has made history: “The communists eat children”. Boom.

The faces have remained the same, just take a ride in the backstage and cross the silhouette of that Antonio Tajani, who was already in 1994 with the Forza Italia jacket and is still there to be photographed as if the years had not passed. And wandering here and there you can peer into the profile of Ignazio La Russa, a colonel from Finiano at the time of the Polo della Libertà, and now senior executive of the party of the passionate Meloni. La Russa has the ways of those who have come here to check what the young men “Giorgia and Matteo” can do. And it goes without saying that he too, like the rest of the troops, believes in this victory, sees it as possible. “Winning and we will win”, is in fact the motto that can be heard in the halls and that uncomfortable dictators of the past who are at home here in the Emilia Romagna region.

To win and we will win. “I smell victory and I tell you coming from Liguria,” smiles the governor Giovanni Toti. “We have already won,” repeats the former director of TG4, “ours is a coalition united by ideas, theirs by unique thought.” And we return to communism, to the red Emilia-Romagna, to Peppone and Don Camillo, to the red cooperatives, to the red union, and so on. “This must become a region where not those who have the right card, but who deserve it, work,” scorns Matteo Salvini, the Northern League captain acclaimed by the ultras of the local right. “I had the honor of shaking hands with those who told me: I was from the CGIL, I was from the Communist Refoundation, I was from the Democratic Party. These are people who now vote for the League and the center-right, “boasts the leader of the late Carroccio. There is no trace of programs, of nodes to be solved, of regional issues. Only slogans with blows from “Bibbiano” and “new security departments”. “We send Renzi, Di Maio and Zingaretti home: we don’t win the elections, we win them,” is the appeal of the former interior minister.

And if Salvini is now the leader of this coalition, his leadership is pursued by the passionate Meloni. “I am Giorgia, I am a Christian, I am a mother …”, the rap catchphrase reigns. And everyone to applaud her. She now plays the part of those who know they like and who know today to send an innovative message compared to the usual Captain’s name. “There has been a lot of talk about intercoms, on Monday we will go to intercom to Prime Minister Conte and tell him to leave Palazzo Chigi”. “Choose the center-right, but don’t do it out of interest. If you vote for interest, choose the left that are the best in the matter. “

And then he comes, Silvio Berlusconi, very elegant, double breasted, light blue shirt of order, Marinella tie, overcoat, waxed at the right point. And even if the Knight does not believe in the shoulder at all – shortly before he confessed to closed notebooks that “after this government there will be another but without voting – here he must play the part of the coalition ally. The incipit of the fu leader of the center-right is a revival of the golden years: “You know what has happened in the past 70 years.” “Yes, …” replies the claque in the front row. “Silvio, via the communists”, shouts a lady all harnessed with gadgets from the League. Berlusconi is exalted and begins to unravel the usual refrain on Western democracies, on the Communists, and so on. Whilst the Knight speaks, the whistles are heard coming from the sardine square which is located two hundred meters from the Piazza del Popolo. What about the Salvinian candidate? Lucia Borgonzoni goes on stage last, she no longer has a voice. But speak, speak, and still speak. And still manages to get out of balance: “We are ahead”.

In this cross-section of Ravenna there are those who, like Franca, employed in the private sector, do not believe in the victory of the center-right: “I have to tell you the truth: Bonaccini has worked well. Communists are good. It is difficult not to vote for him. ” Will you opt for separate vote? “Maybe,” he blushes when he sketches the answer. It is no coincidence that the outgoing governor, guest of Peter Gomez at “It’s twenty”, makes an appeal for the separate vote: “It is a possibility – he assures. A vote at the M5S and another cross on Bonaccini “. And it is a concern that winds around the center. The suspicion is that even moderate pieces may eventually converge on Bonaccini. “Why do we have to replace a regional president who knows the car, who makes us stand out in all the rankings?”, Asks in a corner of this square, a Ravenna, former Christian Democrat, a past as an Eni technician, tempted by the vote disjoint. “The disjointed vote? It will be in our favor, “replies Giovanni Donzelli, member of the Fratelli d’Italia who is always one step behind Giorgia Meloni.

Here, the split vote can be the weapon of the left to save the region, the government and the party. While the vote of liberation from communism is the motto of a conservative right-wing leader, Salvini, who wants to change in order not to change anything. If anything, to get full powers.

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