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To the doctors and nurses of the Amedeo di Savoia 40 thousand masks seized by Finanza- Corriere.it

Over 40,000 masks, seized during the Pharma China operation, were delivered on the morning of December 17 by the Turin financial police to the staff of the Amedeo di Savoia hospital. The investigation, concluded in June, had led to the complaint of 9 people, including 4 pharmacists and 2 entrepreneurs, under investigation for commercial fraud. The investigators of the yellow flames had unmasked a traffic of thousands of protective devices of dubious origin that were stored in a warehouse in Corso Regina Margherita. «This initiative is an example of synergy and a tangible gesture of gratitude towards the operators who are daily involved in the fight against the pandemic – commented General Roberto Vinciguerra, provincial commander of the Turin financiers -. The devices we delivered today were seized because they did not have the certifications required by current regulations. However, it is possible to ask a certifying body to test their compliance and they can still be used in environments where specific characteristics are not required ».

Giovanni Di Perri, the head of the Infectious Diseases department of Amedeo di Savoia, received the boxes: “A gesture of sensitivity and friendship from the body of the finance police which today gives us material that will not be wasted and will be used to protect operators who are doing their best”. On the close in view of the Christmas holidays Di Perri added: «This period allows us to make restrictions that I hope there will be no more in the new year. I am a convinced re-tourist, but we need to do it with something new. From June to October we did like Sweden and it went very badly. The curve has restarted and now we cannot reopen like in the summer. My hope is that accesses to certain indoor activities will be linked to a quick swab, which today could be valid for three days. Maybe in a month it will be enough to do it once a week. In Singapore, citizens make their own and access businesses safely. Something costs, maybe you can cut out something from the funds for the scooters to make it cost less. Of course if someone had thought of it before it would have been better, but I don’t want to get into politics ».

Di Perri is categorical on the progress of the pandemic: «There will be no need for the third wave, there is already the regurgitation of the second. The descent in our region is very slow and in others it is even absent. We are careful, we have released the brakes and the numbers are worrying. The incidence of mortality between the ages of 65 and 84 shot up in October and Piedmont is the third oldest region in Italy, 4 years older than Campania ».

Finally, the appeal to vaccination: «I would recommend it to anyone and as soon as possible. Eradication as it was for smallpox probably will not have it and it may be that we will need this vaccine in the next few years. We still miss the reading of the duration of vaccination, but there is an urgent interest in individual and collective protection. I no vax? If a behavior becomes a public health problem, the Tso could be a solution, but only as a last resort. However, I am convinced that reasonableness will prevail ».

17 December 2020 | 13:20


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