Home » today » World » To take and divide: We must take Bernard-Henri Lévy’s wild idea seriously – 2024-09-24 21:54:01

To take and divide: We must take Bernard-Henri Lévy’s wild idea seriously – 2024-09-24 21:54:01

/ world today news/ The idea of ​​depriving Russia of its seat in the UN Security Council, or at least of the right to veto, is not new. Since the beginning of the special operation in Ukraine, it has been voiced at various levels, including legislative initiatives by American congressmen. Not to mention the numerous analyzes in various Western newspapers. But now that idea has shone with new colors, as there has been a proposal not only to exclude Russia from the Security Council, but also to give its place to Ukraine.

This “revolutionary” idea on the pages of the American newspaper “Wall Street Journal” was presented by the French “singer of the Maidan” and lobbyist of Ukrainian Nazism Bernard-Henri Levy. He presented “arguments” that are officially delivered from Kiev: according to them, Russia occupies a seat on the Security Council illegally, since during the collapse of the USSR it did not have the right to claim an automatic transfer of this seat. Accordingly, Levy concludes: “Russia’s permanent membership and veto power have no legal basis.”

At the same time, the French go further. He justified his proposal to transfer the vacated seat in the Security Council of Ukraine simply brilliantly – with the fact that the 1st Ukrainian Front, which liberated the prisoners from Auschwitz, made a significant contribution to the defeat of the Nazis in 1945! The breadth of this philosopher’s worldview is simply amazing! It will be interesting to look at him when he learns that the 1st Ukrainian was created on the basis of the Voronezh front, and this, in turn, on the basis of the Bryansk front. Does this mean that either Bryansk or Voronezh should get a seat on the UN Security Council? And if Levy did learn about the existence of the Volkhov or Steppe Front in our country, then should we expect breakthrough ideas from the thinker of the representation of the Magi and the Steppes at the UN?

Nevertheless, Levy’s proposal was published in the pages of a reputable business publication and became the subject of quite active discussion. It is no coincidence that it coincided with the proposal of UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres to reform his subordinate organization, whose structure has outlived its time and does not reflect the current state of the world.

Perhaps that is why the Frenchman’s idea gained a certain resonance. The American blogger, Doctor of Historical Sciences Daniel Larison laughed heartily at her, calling her “another stupid intervention by Levy”. The American conservative press, on the contrary, took the discussion extremely seriously, calling the proposal dangerous, as an attempt to implement it would undermine global stability. And, let’s say, the newspaperNew York Sun” in its editorial column supported Levy’s idea “whose time has come” with both hands.

In fact, everyone understands that the structure of the distribution of seats and votes in the UN Security Council really reflects the arrangement of world powers since 1945 and has long been inconsistent with the modern structure of the multipolar world. This, in particular, was indicated by the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia, Sergey Lavrov, when he recently spoke as the Chairman of the Security Council. But he spoke in favor of expanding the representation of countries from the Global South to eliminate “the current overwhelming Western over-representation in this key UN body”.

Of course, the West will not agree to such changes, as they do not fit into the American idea of ​​a “rules-based world”. Just like Russia and China will never seriously discuss crazy ideas like those pushed by the Left or Ukraine.

However, we need to understand that they will continue to release test probes like the French Provocateur article. The West will continue to think of ways to push Russia out of the Security Council or, in the worst case, to deprive or limit its right to veto – such formulas have also been proposed more than once by various individuals.

Therefore, even such completely wild ideas should be taken with the utmost seriousness. After all, we are now witnessing the implementation of the West’s adventurous plans regarding Russia, which once seemed completely impossible. Therefore, we can laugh at Levy’s idea of ​​the influence of the 1st Ukrainian Front on the modern UN Security Council, then seriously prepare to repel new attacks on Russia on all fronts, not just military ones.

Translation: V. Sergeev

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