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To remain attractive, these villages in Yvelines rely on social housing

In Maulette, at the very edge of the D912 which leads to Houdan, the former gendarmerie has been dormant for ten years. But the building will soon wake up to the sound of a construction site which will transform it into a residential building, the site of which the first strikes will be given at the beginning of 2020. Once its rehabilitation is completed, it will house 24 social housing units, the first of which will be this type to take place in this village of 1000 inhabitants.

95 apartments spread over five villages

Like Bazainville, Longnes, Tacoignières or even Septeuil, the town volunteered to accommodate these homes and ended up getting the project to materialize thanks, among other things, to the “RuralogY Pass” created by the departmental council. The authority has thus undertaken to partially finance the work that will be undertaken by the social landlord Les Résidences Yvelines-Essonne, to the tune of 1.7 million euros, for these 95 apartments located in the five requesting villages.

“RuralogY is a tool that we have created to support our vision of the territory,” explains the president (LR) of the board, Pierre Bedier. And our vision is to build the city on the city and to preserve the heritage and the landscape in rural areas, but by making it live thanks to habitat. “Bringing the town to life is the goal of the mayors who signed this agreement allowing them to accommodate these first social housing units.

“It’s a solution to keep young people in the town. When the young people leave, a village dies ”

In the Pays Houdanais community of communes (CCPH), there are certainly 308, or 2.7% of the total for the department, but 80% are located in the city center, in Houdan. The idea is to complete the offer in the neighboring villages. “There may be a low unemployment rate in the region, but there are many people in distress,” recalls the mayor (SE) of Maulette, Eric Tondu. They need something to live in. In addition, it is a solution to keep young people in the municipality. When the young people leave, a village dies. This will also make it possible to tell companies that would like to settle with us that we can accommodate their employees. This social habitat triggers a whole economic dynamic. “

“This will attract families and allow mayors to keep classes at school”

“There are also many households which separate, and the rental price is very high in the territory”, recalls the mayor (SE) of Tacoignières, Jean-Jacques Mansat, a village where twenty homes will flourish. And even if these future residences have an “additional cost” for Les Résidences Yvelines-Essonne, their director Arnaud Legros says he is “proud” of these operations. “This will attract families, therefore children, and allow mayors to keep classes at school,” analyzes the latter.

The 95 housing units will be delivered between the end of 2020 and 2022. You can already submit a request for allocation in your municipalities or with the CCPH.

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