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To prevent breast cancer

‘Synchronize with your body’ is the campaign carried out by the Colombian League against Cancer and its 32 sections and chapters with which it intends that during this month and in commemoration of the World Day against Breast Cancer (next October 19) to raise awareness the country about this disease.

The National Theater and the artists who are part of it have joined this initiative. They accepted the challenge of bringing a message to Colombian women about breast cancer prevention, self-care and early detection.

In addition, next Sunday, October 23, there will be a new version of ‘La ruta Fuchsia’, a meeting of cyclists and amateur athletes, led by women who suffer or have survived this disease.

This activity aims to raise awareness of the importance of maintaining healthy habits to prevent cancer.

Read also: Ensalud, a reference in breast cancer detection

In addition, various recreational and sporting activities will be carried out for the whole family and the delivery of donations, by the League and its allies, of breast implants to low-income patients.

The campaign has a program throughout the month of October, with multiple academic, sporting, recreational and recreational activities in the country’s 32 leagues, as well as the delivery of educational and pedagogical materials in universities, public and private entities, shopping malls and football stadiums. .

Breast cancer, according to data reported by Globocan, remains in first place as the leading cause of death in women from cancer worldwide, with a report of over 2.2 million cases.

In Colombia, there were 15,509 new cases, 85,112 prevalent cases and 4,411 deaths by 2021.

Breast cancer is a treatable disease when diagnosed early, hence the importance of timing and following the three life-saving moves: mammography, clinical breast exam and self-examination.

Mammography and breast ultrasound

On the other hand, the Clinica del Country, in the city of Bogotá, carries out an annual campaign to promote regular medical checkups and screening methods for this disease, such as mammography and / or breast ultrasound, which allow for any alteration detected in time indicating the presence of cancer.

In the case of women, the American Cancer Society recommends a mammogram every year, starting at the age of 50, and sometimes it is also necessary to do a

ultrasound, mainly for those women with higher breast density or in young patients, in which it allows a more detailed image.

“Breast ultrasound is a complementary study to mammography, which is the main tool for the early diagnosis of cancer in asymptomatic women; however, those women under the age of 40 with high breast density or who have symptoms will need an ultrasound, ”says Dr. Carlos Lehmann Mosquera, Breast and Soft Tissue Cancer Surgeon at the Clinica del Country.

The diagnostic mammogram exam consists of taking an X-ray of the breast to look for any changes in the breast tissue, mainly calcifications (which occur when there are small concentrations of calcium) or masses that cannot be detected on the self-examination that the woman performs.

Also Read: Skin Cancer: What You Should Know About Spot and Mole Changes

When the woman has no symptoms of breast abnormality, it is recommended that a screening mammogram be performed annually from the age of 50 in prevention mode. But if, during the self-examination, a foreign presence is detected in the breast, these analyzes become a diagnostic mammogram and must be accompanied by an ultrasound that, through sonar waves, facilitates the internal image of the breast in order to have a better picture. complete condition of the breast.

In other words, breast ultrasound is recommended in the presence of lumps or thickening of the breast, changes in the size, shape or appearance of the breast; skin changes, dimples, recent nipple inversion, peeling, loosening, crusting, dryness and cracks in the nipple, redness or small holes and nipple discharge.

“Usually, when women have breast implants, it is recommended to do both procedures (ultrasound and mammography) because the ultrasound allows you to see some parts of the breast tissue that mammography does not, or vice versa. For example, the mammogram does not show the state of the prosthesis, but the ultrasound does, “says Dr. Lehmann.

Ultrasound is also important when taking a sample (biopsy) of the mass or lump to test for cancer.

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