Home » Health » To preserve your health, don’t drink tea right now! – Saudi news

To preserve your health, don’t drink tea right now! – Saudi news

Russian nutritionist Dr. Margarita Lvova confirmed that eating tea immediately after eating hinders the absorption of iron from food and in an interview with the Izvestia newspaper she said: Tea contains tannins (tannins), which hinder the absorption of the iron from food. But the level of negative impact of the drink depends on the person’s health, the quality and quantity of the tea, and when it is drunk.

And he adds: The problem lies in the quality and quantity of tea a person eats. It is best not to take it with food and immediately after. A safe dose can be considered up to 400 milliliters per day. It is preferable to take it in the morning, if the person does not suffer from kidney failure, kidney stones or high uric acid levels.

And it increases: if a person wants to have tea after eating, it is better to eat it at least after 40 minutes. Of course, it all depends on the person’s state of health and the quality, quantity and time of tea consumption.

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