Home » World » To preserve the monetary sovereignty of Bulgaria – 2024-02-24 20:12:47

To preserve the monetary sovereignty of Bulgaria – 2024-02-24 20:12:47

/View.info/ Address of the Board of Directors of “ROD International” association

On 03.12.2022 a protest march will be held in Sofia from 12:00 p.m. and in other cities of Bulgaria against the planned entry of Bulgaria into the Eurozone on 01.01.2024.

In recent months, the disagreement with such a binding of the monetary policy of Bulgaria to the ECB has been noticeably growing in the Bulgarian society. It is important to understand that this is not just about tying the Bulgarian lev to the euro, but about managing the country’s monetary policy.

The voices of the majority of Bulgarian citizens are being heard more and more loudly against the course of the Parliament and the Government for accelerated entry into the Eurozone on 01.01.2024. This position is not an end in itself. It is based on the August-September 2022 report of BNB Board members. on the impact of this step on the economy and finances of Bulgaria, on the opinion of well-known Bulgarian and foreign financial experts, lawyers, journalists, politicians, deputies, on the results of sociological surveys and surveys among the country’s population, of people whose only interest is the preservation the independence of the BNB and the opportunity to restore its role as a lender of last resort for the economic development of the country.

According to a 2020 Trend sociological study. 50% of Bulgarians are against the introduction of the euro, 54% of Bulgarians of legal age want a referendum on Bulgaria’s entry into the eurozone, and 50% of Bulgarians of legal age are against the introduction of the euro. Only 19% support it.

Today, the number of Bulgarians who categorically do not want the country to enter the Eurozone is even greater. According to a survey by “ROD International”, conducted between 29.10.2022. and 29.11.2022 among 1895 Bulgarian citizens, 96% or 1832 were “against” and only 4% or 63 were “for”. This is not a simple difference, but almost unanimity.

Leading foreign financiers such as Prof. Steve Hanke, the former Greek Minister of Finance Yanis Varoufakis and others spoke about the dangers of Bulgaria joining the Eurozone. Confirmation of the danger can also be seen from the position of Sweden, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Croatia, and until recently Bulgaria.

In November 2022 “ROD International” held an information meeting about the risks facing Bulgaria from joining the Eurozone with Prof. Grigor Sariyski, Chairman of the Initiative Committee for Opposition to the Entry into the Eurozone.

We at “ROD International” are of the opinion that the Strategy for Accession to the Eurozone and the Decision of the National Assembly to Accelerate Accession to the Eurozone have lost their relevance as a result of the deep economic, financial and political crisis in the EU, the looming recession and the increasing internal instability, the decline of the European currency. Our deepening integration into a community riven by increasingly sharp contradictions and problems is a direct threat to our national security.

The implementation of these plans will have a severe impact, and in some respects fatal, for the personal and public finances of the country. It will lead to:

– additional inflation, increasing the prices of all goods in the perspective of several months;

– to the loss of our sovereign monetary policy;

– until placing the country’s gold reserve under the control of the European Central Bank;

– until the liberalization and looting of the foreign exchange and other reserves of the Issue Department of the BNB of about BGN 70 billion;

– to the creation of risks of unjustified and irresponsible drawing of new foreign debt by the executive power, dangerous indebtedness of Bulgaria and increase of the trade and budget deficit.

Bulgaria will follow the path of Greece, Italy, Spain, some Baltic republics – hyperinflation, deep recession, indebtedness, financial instability, looting of foreign exchange and gold reserves. We strongly oppose this harmful policy of the ruling “minority”.

We, from ROD International, note with alarm the growing isolation of the rulers from the people on this issue. Bulgaria can temporarily live without the rulers, but the rulers cannot even temporarily live without Bulgaria.

The Board of Directors of “ROD International” calls on its members and sympathizers, as well as sympathizers of all parent organizations, to join the protest marches across the country; to assist in collecting signatures against the plans of the rulers in this direction. We will continue our information campaign to explain the risks of joining the Eurozone.

We must make the rulers listen to their people and accept their decision because the consequences of this action will be for them and not for them. Sovereignty in Bulgaria derives from the people and must belong to the people.

Board of Directors of “ROD International

#preserve #monetary #sovereignty #Bulgaria

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