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To Paris: getting ready for iGEM 2024 with a project on water care

Degrade contaminants in water y protect aquatic fauna It is the project that Tec students will carry out GEMa world fair of synthetic biology to be held in Paris, France.

The team, made up of students from Biotechnology Engineering from the Tec campus Monterrey, will present the October 23-26 your work Alivecreated as a result of the water crisis in Nuevo Leon.

This consists of the use of microalgae genetically modified for absorb pollutants in water, like estrogen EE2. It is currently in the proof of concept stage.

“The projects (to be presented in the competition) consist of the solution with synthetic biology of a local problems.

“We chose the presence of emerging contaminantssuch as hormones, antibiotics, among others, in water bodies of the state”said student Mi Dam Kim, one of the project leaders.

According to the official iGEM website, the contest will feature more than 450 teams of various universities around the world.

The Monterrey campus team is made up of around 20 students and the advising professor Cesar Puentefrom the Department of Bioengineering.

“It is an opportunity to achieve what we have developed and learned.” – Elisa Nieto.

They seek to protect fish

With the development of genetically modified microalgae, Alive seeks to bioremediate the water from the contaminant EE2 (17 alpha ethinyl estradiol), of which, they point out, affects male fish.

“EE2 is an estrogen that comes in birth control pillsHowever, water treatment plants cannot remove this contaminant to safe levels.

“Studies show that in the presence of estrogen, male fish begin to desexualize. If the water quality is not treated, it is not suitable for giving life or sustaining life.”explained student Eduardo Betancourt.

The vision of the project, added the 7th semester student, is that in addition to microalgae remediating the water, they also capture carbon dioxide.

The function of Alive

The way it works, Mi Dam explained, is that the microalgae produce the enzyme called Lacasawhich would inactivate EE2.

“We noticed that the complicated thing about this is the regulation of the production of this enzyme.

“The proof of concept that we are doing this year is that a protein designed by us is functional for regulate the enzyme and is controlled, not overproduced”he indicated.

Enthusiastic participation in Paris

For Elisa Nieto, a 4th semester student, participating in the international competition in Paris is a chance to demonstrate what the team can achieve in research.

“It is an opportunity to achieve everything we have developed and learned,” the native of Tabasco highlighted.

And reason for pride to see how they overcome obstacles was what advisor professor César Puente directed to the team from the Monterrey campus.

“You see them grow and it gives me a lot of peace, in the sense of training professionals. They are good human beingsPuente said.

They generate social impact

On the other hand, the team, in collaboration with the Sustainable Society AC (SOSAC), developed Alkalia project that generates samplings to review the water quality within the project Living Stream.

This project seeks to revitalize the Arroyo Seco, one of the few natural bodies of water that still exist in the metropolitan area of ​​Monterrey.

“We are at different points taking samples and measuring different parameters to see the water quality at a certain time, day and at different points to make a comparison”said Mi Dam.

SOSAC It is a non-governmental organization that seeks to improve the relationship between people and their social and ecological environment.


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