Home » today » News » To help those most in need, an organization delivers food and dinners for Christmas in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

To help those most in need, an organization delivers food and dinners for Christmas in New York | Video | Univision 41 New York WXTV

Adriana: at this time of year,everyone has the opportunity tohave a plate of food ontable.food insecurity.there is an organization with thenoble mission to helpneeds to.peter: christmas and new year istime to share infamily having a delicious dinner.but hundreds of thousands offamilies will not have that dinner,due to insecurityfood suffering.we arrived at a bank offood in washingtonheights, we talked tosome present.>> saves me money on mypocket the rice, the, theonion, chicken and fish.the same availability asother people take the sameincome.peter: one, one millionNew York residents or thefood.this rate in securityfood in new york is a12% higher than the ratenational and 16% higher thanthe state rate of newyork.>> when the food arrives,here are the fruits, atásin refrigerators is thefresh food such as meats,the eggs.peter: is that command rich?>> dulce, ready!peter: in this center they serveabout 300 people eachWednesday and Saturday.workers assume it asa gesture of love.the satisfaction help theneedy people?>> for I it is a pride to helpto the people.how nice there is to helpto the neighbor.peter: if you want to know whereare the places to getfree Christmas dinners,watching on screen.>> it’s hard because all expensiveeverywhere.you have to look for something whereappear.

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