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“To have a positive light on the district” … The Copenhagen square wants to change its image

SOLIDARITY – A participatory fresco imagined by a resident was inaugurated on Wednesday in the presence of many local residents

Like many ideas, this one was born during a confinement. From the window of his balcony, the graffiti artist Joe Popi saw the gray walls of the Almadies shopping center every day, dreaming of coloring this small shopping center with an aging touch. He will not have succeeded. But thanks to the street animators at Le Relais, the artist had access to the decrepit walls of the underground car park of Copenhagen Square where he lives. Property of the lessor Aiguillon Construction, the concrete structure has been sporting charming colored tones for a few days. “I chose four shades of blue. Quite neutral colors, which can please everyone. I have never seen so many smiles as when I worked on this fresco ”, explains Joe Popi.

The inauguration of the fresco of street-art Wednesday evening allowed the inhabitants of the buildings of this district located close to the Henri-Fréville metro station to meet around a concert and a coffee. The atmosphere was smiling. “People only talk about the negative things that are going on here. While there is a lot of positive stuff going on. This fresco, it was made with love, I find it beautiful. We need actions like that to have a positive light on the neighborhood, ”Asma says.

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