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To face Corona infection .. Avoid eating these foods immediately

immune system Responsible for protecting us from bacteria, viruses, and parasites that live in our daily environment. The Harvard School of Public Health stated that the body, through its defense mechanisms, is one of the most important pathogens. Either diseases or viruses enter easily or respond to them, which determines this is the body’s immunity. And his strength.-

There are foods that can stimulate our immune response, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes, but there are also products that make their regular consumption more vulnerable to disease.

Here are five of the worst foods for your immune system.

White bread

American nutritionist Josh Ax, confirms that White bread Cakes, and other products made from refined flour affect the immune system, and Medical News Today explains that these foods lose the bran and germs during the processing process, eliminating most of the fiber, vitamins and minerals found in whole grains.

Hence, they become easy-to-swallow products but with high-calorie and low-nutrient inputs, these properties can contribute to weight gain and related complications, such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease.


A review of studies published in the journal Nutrients showed that processed sugar in candy increases inflammation in the body, this triggers the immune system response and increases the production of free radicals, which are molecules that can harm healthy cells in our bodies.

Free radicals have been linked to health conditions such as cancer, diabetes andHeart disease And blood vessels, and cases of neurodegeneration, and arthritis.

Moreover, research conducted by the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition concluded that consuming 100 grams of sugar reduces the ability of immune cells to fight bacteria. This effect persists for up to five hours after eating sweet foods, and thus, it is not a good option to eat this type of Products all day long.

Potato Chips

A study conducted by the University of Bonn showed that a diet rich in salt causes immune deficiencies. Researchers report that excess sodium increases the kidneys’ activity to get rid of it and reduces the body’s response against Bacterial infections.

The recommended daily intake by the World Health Organization (WHO) is less than 5 grams per day, people eat between 7 and 9 grams of salt every day, according to information from the National Institute of Public Health, this amount mainly comes from processed foods such as chips. , Which is high in saturated fat and low in nutrients, according to gastronomic blogger Eat This, Not That.


Eating a diet rich in sugars can reduce the body’s immune process. Kelman Health Center states that dried or canned fruits contain added sweeteners that feed harmful bacteria in the intestinal flora.

Likewise, dried fruits cause an increase in the craving for sweet foods, the consumption of which can affect the immune system and thus reduce protection from diseases. Therefore, it is best to choose presentations that do not contain added sugar.


Natural oils are considered healthy due to their high fat content Omega-3 Acidic and vitamin E, however, commercial oils go through a refining process in which they lose their nutrients and change their molecular structure.

Therefore, eating foods fried with refined oils increases the production of free radicals that are able to damage body tissues and generate inflammation and make the immune system vulnerable to infection.

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