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To exit the impasse, Conte tightens on the Simplifications Decree. Dark on the Mes

Stefano Montesi – Corbis via Getty Images

Giuseppe Conte tries to get out of the impasse. That of the announcements of interventions that do not arrive. Like the Simplifications decree which is one month late and which is the goal of the week that opens. But he must face the 5 stars that are pressing for a tax reform and the Democratic Party that is pushing for the vote on the Mes, which the prime minister is trying to postpone. He also addresses the Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, leader of the opponents of the Recovery Fund by telephone.

A new meeting is scheduled for Tuesday between the Prime Minister and the majority heads of delegations. The aim is to bring the Simplifications decree to the Council of Ministers on Friday. During these hours several drafts of the decree are circulating in the offices, the articles should be about 65, but they are still being examined and written. According to what transpires, a temporary derogation from the Procurement Code is foreseen, probably until July 2021. It is fundamental for the majority to bring home a result after an abundant week of conclave in Villa Pamphili and a long series of announcements.

In the majority, the relations between the Democratic Party and the M5s are tense also because of the dialogue that does not lead to an agreement on the candidates for the September regional ones. Even in Parliament the air that pulls is heavy and we think about the abacus also in view of the vote on the Mes. The majority is split and in the Chamber could give the plastic demonstration of these divisions that see the Democratic Party take sides for yes and part of the 5 Star Movement reject the Mes. Just enough to fear a mini grill split and feed fears for the government’s hold. And that is why in these hours the idea of ​​postponing the vote on the 36 billion “European” that Italy could tie to health costs is making headway.

The flaking in the 5 stars weighs heavily on the abacus, especially in the Senate, with Matteo Salvini reiterating “open doors” to the refugees. Three senators are given out and the numbers would thin out on guard level. “We don’t go looking for anyone and offer anything to anyone but if someone knocks on the Lega door and wants to help, the doors are open,” Salvini says to ‘Half an hour more’.

All this while the majority is grappling with both the vote on a new budget variance and with the recovery plan. And the group leader of Forza Italia in the Senate, Annamaria Bernini, has already communicated that the Azzurri will in no way act as a crutch in Parliament if the budget deviation is not accompanied by the Mes.

Luigi Di Maio announces that after the tax wedge has been cut the next step “will have to be a large and ambitious tax reform that will affect everyone, because the issue of taxes exists and must be tackled with courage. It is the only way forward to support families, workers and entrepreneurs. ” The pentastellates then call for an urgent dpcm to postpone the deadlines for personal income tax, IRES and VAT to July 20th. “There are only two days until 30 June – they write – and the risk is a tax burden for businesses and taxpayers. In the context of the relaunch decree, we have already tabled an amendment to postpone the June deadlines to September 30th and guarantee our companies a less complicated summer. ” As Conte tries to pull himself out of the quicksand, the surrounding terrain remains mined.

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