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«To defend oneself from pepper spray dog ​​attacks»

«Even though I don’t know the dynamics of what happened, I can say that already taking a pit bull into the family without having experience with dogs of this kind is a risk, it’s a strong responsibility, let alone two: everything is amplified and if something happens the pack mode is triggered. A gesture, a behavior that the dog can interpret negatively and the attack can be triggered». So at Adnkronos Massimo PerlaCsen and Fidasc national manager of dog sports disciplines, regarding what happened to Eboli where a 15-month-old baby was attacked and killed by two pit bulls.

«It is necessary to educate the dog and also educate the owner. For example, many women come to my training center to learn the behaviors to adopt as dog owners, a path to avoid accidents, to accustom the dog to the pram and the cradle, to the baby’s cries and cries. In short, try to involve the animal in the child’s daily life: the attention must be for everyone and not exclusive. I will never tire of saying that the dog must be educated within the family as if it were the first human after the last: it is a pack, the dog must understand that he is not the leader of the pack, he must protect and not attackand he must understand all this with kindness and calm and not with rudeness».

«Pitbulls, or similar, must be managed with firmness, determination, consistency, rules must be given to follow and taught gently, in a positive way: the dog must accept the rules as daily behavior. – underlines the Csen and Fidasc instructor – I would really ask all dog owners, not just those of particular breeds, to go to instructors and educators in order to learn well how to manage their four-legged friend: the dog must learn and can do it easily as a puppy accompanied by owner, it is a path that helps us understand each other. How to defend yourself from attacks? It depends on the situation. For example, if you go running you can bring it pepper spray, or if I’m on the street I can try to get into a car but if I fall to the ground I don’t have much escape. They are predatory dogs, selected by man to carry out a certain type of task, they must be managed firmly and by expert people».

#defend #oneself #pepper #spray #dog #attacks
– 2024-04-22 12:53:18

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