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To condemn your ex for cooking and looking after his children

Cristiano Ronaldo’s wife, Georgina Rodriguez, revealed that the footballer is at home. PHOTO: Instagram

In China, this is already happening, causing unrest around the world

If Cristiano Ronaldo’s wife, Georgina Rodriguez, decides to break up with him one day, one thing is for sure, she won’t be able to get compensation for the housework she did during their life together. In an interview in recent days, the beauty admitted that the footballer is busy with most tasks in their home. It does not even replace burnt out light bulbs, as their ceilings are over 10 meters high and if it falls, it can be injured. “Better not, right?” He has to take care of himself. I’ll take care of the rest, “Georgina said. She reveals that she likes to meet Ronaldo after training with a plate of hot food and to deal with their four children. One is the fruit of their love, and the older three were born to surrogate mothers.

However, by acknowledging how wholeheartedly she performs family tasks, the 27-year-old Georgina seems to be deprived of the opportunity to ever claim possible compensation for this unregulated work. Something that may be the latest trend in divorce cases in the future. And the reason for this is the pandemic. Staying at home, many couples decided to reconsider exactly how they shared their homework and were surprised to find that it was not very fair. Some tried to make adjustments, while others, such as Chinese housewife Wang, took decisive action to achieve a higher form of justice. After her husband filed for divorce in October, she initially refused, but then agreed, provided she received $ 24,700 for the housework she did during their five-year marriage. The court accepted her claim, but determined compensation of $ 7,700 and $ 300 a month for the maintenance of their son, who will stay with her.

The decision is the first of its kind under China’s new civil code, which allows spouses to seek compensation from their spouses in the event of a divorce if they have taken greater responsibility for caring for children and elderly relatives. And while the need for such legislation has been talked about for nearly 10 years, the sentence has found it unusual for many people around the world. A special hashtag was created for her on social networks, which attracted 500 million views in hours.

“Gender inequalities in domestic life have been the subject of public debate in China in recent years amid a growing feminist movement in the country. However, despite the increased educational levels and the growing economic status of women, due to gender norms and patriarchal traditions, they are still expected to do most of the care of children and housework, “CNN reported.

Unlike men, who after a divorce can usually enjoy the resources, relationships and status they had before it, most women have to make extra effort to return to society on their own, as they have missed career opportunities and contacts while remaining in charge of the household, said Long Yun, an associate professor of law at Qinghua University. They often have to pay hidden expenses in addition to those they covered voluntarily during the marriage. For example, most need to invest in additional training to be able to find work. They often have to combine it with some work activity in order to be able to support themselves.

However, a survey shows that only about 5% of couples in China reach an agreement for the division of acquired property, in which the legislation provides for the calculation of compensation for household chores. In addition, many people are disappointed with Wang’s small compensation award. Some of them point out that it is less than the annual fee for a babysitter in the Chinese capital, and the woman receives it for 5 years of family care. “That’s why young people don’t want to get married and have children. The price is too high, “wrote another.

Marriages in China have been declining alarmingly over the past 17 years. According to national statistics, the number of Chinese marrying for the first time has dropped by 41%. Meanwhile, the divorce rate has risen nearly fivefold in the last three decades, with the pandemic intensifying. The Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development ranked the country among those with the worst balance in the division of domestic work. If in the world women are on average twice as burdened as men with family tasks, in China this difference is twice and a half. Chinese women spend 234 minutes a day on unpaid work at home, while their husbands spend only 91 percent. But this is not just a problem of the Asian side.

A study conducted a few months ago in the United States showed that mothers are three times more likely than fathers to be responsible for most family tasks. They spend an additional three or more hours a day on housework and childcare, which equates to 20 hours a week, or half a working week over their professional engagement. And although in many families, spouses try to share household responsibilities, research has found that their perceptions of whether this happens are quite different. While 70% of fathers think they share them equally with their partner during the coronavirus crisis, only 44% of mothers say the same. 39 percent of women and only 13 percent of men say they are responsible for most of the housework.

No such studies have been conducted in Bulgaria, but it is known that before the pandemic our country was in last place in terms of part-time women in the EU. Only about two percent of Bulgarian women work less to have time to take care of the family, while in the Netherlands they are 77, in Austria – 47, and in Germany – 47 percent. And the reason for this is not only the low wages, but because the children in our country usually spend all day in kindergarten and school. In addition, they are often relied on with the help of grandparents, which is rather the exception in Western Europe.

A woman paid $ 120,000 to her husband for an ugly daughter

Years ago, another curious family conviction was handed down in China. A woman was sentenced to pay her husband $ 120,000 for giving birth to an ugly daughter.

Husband Jiang Feng initially decided that the child was the result of infidelity of his beautiful wife. He insists on a DNA test that confirms his paternity.

“We married for love, but as soon as our daughter was born, we started having family problems. The child was extremely ugly, to the point that terrified me, ”explains Feng. In one of their quarrels, his wife admitted that before they met, she underwent major plastic surgery in South Korea for nearly $ 100,000.

Instead of repairing their relationship, this information makes them worse and the man eventually wants a divorce. In addition to divorcing them, the court ruled that Feng should be compensated because he had been deceived into marrying on false grounds.

Plastic improvements have become a widespread phenomenon in Asia in recent years. Some parents are even willing to spend all their savings to make their children more beautiful because they believe that they have a better chance of a good life and career.

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