Home » today » Health » To combat excessive salivation and stop drooling in your sleep, in addition to the grandmother’s remedies, it would be enough to avoid these foods

To combat excessive salivation and stop drooling in your sleep, in addition to the grandmother’s remedies, it would be enough to avoid these foods

Health plays a fundamental role in every person’s life. It is often said that “If there is health there is everything”, a great truth since we only realize its importance once it is lost. Fortunately, not all ailments are linked to serious or particularly troubling diseases. Among the ailments that, if not connected to further problems, make you smile are flatulence, but also drooling. In fact, drooling is an action that is often associated with animals such as dogs, especially the Terranova, but not only. Not only dogs, however, can have this problem. In fact, even humans in some cases could complain of a similar ailment. In fact, it happens that you wake up in the morning with a pillow impregnated with saliva. Drooling overnight has several causes that are going to be seen today. Obviously this is not a way to replace the opinion of a professional in the sector. If the problem occurs frequently it will be good to consult a doctor. However, to combat excessive salivation and stop drooling overnight, you could also try grandma’s remedies.

The cause

One of the main reasons for drooling in sleep is the sleeping position. When you have too much saliva in your mouth due to a cold, allergy, flu or just a stuffy nose it is common to salivate at night. Especially if you sleep on your side, saliva will tend to leak out. These are not serious problems, the biggest annoyance will be waking up with a wet pillow. However, in some cases thehypersalivation it could also be linked to the presence of gastroesophageal reflux or gastritis. In this case it would be optimal to consult a doctor, who will try to understand how best to proceed to solve the problem. In other cases, you might be suffering from sleep apnea or you might have a tendency to snore and sleep with your mouth open. Even more serious diseases, such as tumors of the mouth or hernias, can cause hypersalivation, so it will be good to consult a doctor if the problem should arise suddenly.

To combat excessive salivation and stop drooling in your sleep, in addition to the grandmother’s remedies, it would be enough to avoid these foods

To try to solve the problem, you could start sleeping on your stomach. Sleeping on your back is important because saliva will not be able to escape and wet the pillow. Covering the pillow with a terry towel can also help – it will be easy to wash and save the pillowcase. Then, it will be necessary to try to breathe with the nose and not with the mouth. Alternatively, add a pillow, which will help keep your head up. This way you will tend to drool less. To decrease salivation, then, you can try to avoid consuming foods rich in starch or acids. Chocolate and highly spiced foods can also cause increased salivation. Finally, it is advisable to brush your teeth frequently to avoid the formation of cavities, which are among the factors that lead to the production of saliva.


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(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings regarding this article and the author’s responsibilities which can be consulted. WHO”)—

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