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To be clear! … Part of society looked for a change not a prize

This weekend, Mexicans went out to vote reaching 52% participation, the highest since 1997 but still insufficient to demand the direction we want for the country. It is very important and it is clear:

We went out to vote to correct the course we want for a better Mexico! ” but it is NOT a prize for the opposition. We are asking you to work and strive to give balance to the political leadership of the country and something very important:It is NOT worth selling!

The mexicans we look for a “renewal” of the political parties and of the same politicians. We have to change. The fact of being divided also reflects the needs and feelings of each person.

It is a last call for a real change. PRI, PAN Y FART They have to identify the needs of society, conduct themselves with complete transparency and promote actions for the benefit of all. A large part of the population is not comfortable with the shape and management of the country, with the current administration and Brunette, but there are no great options for change. As has been well commented, the administrations of the PRI, PAN Y FART From their different levels of Government, they have shown their tiredness to the issue of corruption and favoritism, but neither is it saved Brunette and the Gpassively actual.

The opportunity is today. Remember there is no tomorrow. Three years go by very quickly.

Alfonso Durazo and the Sonoran business community

The Sonoran business class She must still be shocked with the outcome of the state elections this past weekend. Citizen participation in the state registered a participation between 40.6 and 43.9%, below the national average.

Although the PRI Ernesto Gándara It was not entirely to his liking, he recognized much more roots and knowledge of the state. However, with Alfonso Durazo, the imposition and desire of the President, was imposed by a wide advantage of around 15 points.

Throughout her administration, the governor Claudia Pavlovich has maintained a good relationship with the business community; but lately, discontent permeated the entity and the punishment was felt at the polls with little influx.

Alfonso Durazo he will have to show all Sonorans what he is made of. What Sonora stand out for its safety and an interrelation with businessmen and society itself. That is dedicated to what Sonora show economic growth.

Greater interaction with users

In order to contribute so that companies regardless of their size, especially those SMEs improve their marketing strategy and their sales through messages via social network, the Mexican firm GUS, that carries Jaime Navarro, launches the support of the API from Messenger for Instagram, an interface that will allow businesses to have direct communication and interaction with their customers.

And it is that, with the messages, the users feel more connected with the Business, which represents a great opportunity for Mexican companies to bet on social media messaging, since 98% of consumers use text messaging on a regular basis and 14% of companies send text messages to their customers . Is APP already have it signatures like Cinépolis, where they see great benefits.


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