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– To be a role model – VG

APPEARS: Ola Hoftun Lillelien appears as gay in a post on Instagram.

Drammen HK player Ola Hoftun Lillelien (22) tells openly about his secret in an Instagram post.


– Not for my own part, but to be a role model. Not just for young people, but for everyone, Lillelien writes in the post.

Drammens Tidende mentioned the case first.

He goes on to say that he told family, friends and teammates just over six months ago that he most likely does not end up with “a cute girl”, but “a handsome boy”.

– There has only been positive feedback. I have not received a single negative feedback. I did it to show others that it works in a sports environment as well, says Lillelien to VG.

The post ended with a quote from King Harald’s well-known speech from 2016:

“Norway is boys who love boys, girls who love girls, and girls and boys who love each other.”

– I have always liked the royal family and think it is an incredibly nice speech. That there is another generation, and that one like the king says so. It creates an acceptance. Norway is everyone and there is room for everyone here, says the handball professional.

On the same day as Lillelien posted the post on Instagram, April 21, it was marked that it is 50 years since homosexuality was decriminalized in Norway.

– It was going to come out at some point, and then I thought it was a nice day to do it. It was supposed to be laid out in a natural way, and I think it was, he says.

The 22-year-old writes that he does not seek confirmation or recognition for the post, but that he will proudly thank those who before him have fought for his right to love whoever he wants.

There are very few male handball players in Norway who have stood out. Viktor Tollefsbøl, Are Grongstad and Ole André Lerang have done it before him.

– The teammates have known it for a while, so it was not difficult, it was actually more delicious. Then I stopped that whispering and whipping, says Lillelien and continues:

– I have received a lot of messages from opponents who say it is incredibly tough, so you feel very safe. There is openness. Sport is about unity and community.

In October 2021, Australian footballer Josh Cavallo appeared in a tearful video:

– Why do you think there are so few who have come out before you?

– There has been a lack of role models. It’s always scary to be the first, but there may also be people who have not needed to stand up. There is a lot of stuff around it, so you have to be prepared for it. It takes away some focus from the sporting, the 22-year-old answers.

Kristian Kjelling played professional handball in both Norway and abroad. Now he is the coach of Lillelien in Drammen HK, and says that he is happy that the 22-year-old feels safe enough to stand out.

– Ola did not stand up in front of the team and announced it. He has told it a bit to different people on the team, friends and family. The only thing I was interested in as his coach was that he felt he was safe and well received, says Kjelling to VG.

HAPPY: Kristian Kjelling is happy that Ola Hoftun Lillelien feels safe enough to stand up.

– Has there been greater openness since you became a professional?

– It’s enough. Even if someone had come forward ten years ago, I do not think there would have been a problem. But when I played abroad, there were some with other cultures who had a different view of it, Kjelling answers and continues:

– I think it is a bit difficult for us who do not face that challenge. We do not always manage to understand how it can be, so that Ola can break some barriers there, I think is very good.

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