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To avoid fires, the mayor bans smoking in part of his village

The mayor of Langlade, near Nîmes in the Gard, issued an order prohibiting the consumption of cigarettes in certain places in the town, as well as on board cars. A measure taken to reduce the risk of fire, in the midst of a drought.

Langlade: a village of 1000 hectares including 700 of scrubland crossed by the RD 14. A road taken by 5000 motorists a day. Three figures which alone justify Gaëtan Prévoteau, the mayor of the village, issued an order prohibiting smoking in cars and in certain places in the town.

“A cigarette butt can do immense damage”. Gaëtan Prévoteau, mayor of the village of 2,100 inhabitants issued an order on June 17 prohibiting anyone from smoking in certain places in the town, as well as in cars. This measure, which came into force on June 18, is aimed exclusively at preventing the outbreak of fire. Because in Langlade, as in many territories in France, fires threaten.

The first magistrate of the town also banned smoking outside a dedicated space, at the football stadium, at the shooting and archery range, the tennis courts, the Pondres and the Mills. Places where the risk of starting fires is possible.

When we know that for 10 years, 300 fire starts are due to cigarettes, there is cause for concern.

Gaetan Prevoteau

Mayor of Langlade

The measure is generally well received in the village. “It’s very good, smiles a resident. The place is very wooded, it’s dangerous”.Often, when we pass by car, we see fires linked to cigarette butts”.

Everyone is free to smoke in their car, but cigarette butts must not be thrown outside.

Everyone is free to smoke in their car but do not throw cigarette butts outside” adds this other villager met on the spot by our reporting team.

A majority of fires are caused by carelessness. They were early this year, especially in the Gard, in a Grau-du-Roi campsite where 60 bungalows had been destroyed. Last week in the Eastern Pyrenees more than 1000 hectares were traversed by the flames.

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