A government official in the Gangwon area pulled into a parking lot of someone else’s building and was asked to remove it. However, he came drunk, cursed the building owner, and sent a text message asking,’Where are you going to go to the officials?’
Reporter Seung-Hyun Cho covered it.
A drunk man approaches another man in black.
They swear by identifying themselves as public officials.
[나는 공무원이야 XXXX. (공무원인데 뭐 어쩌라고?) 넌 잘하라고 XXXX.]
Admonition, not admonition, continues,
[네가 나한테 함부로 그렇게 할 수 있는 사람이 아니라고. (함부로 할 수 있는 사람이 아니세요?) 그래!]
They continue to say things that are hard to understand.
[내 대표가 누군지 아냐? 시장이야, 시장. XXX.]
This man, actually, was a public servant.
I am Mr. A in his 30s working at an office belonging to Wonju City Hall.
It was a fire that parked the car in the parking lot of someone else’s building.
The building owner called to get out of the car, but Mr. A came down and screamed.
[피해 건물주 : 안 그런 분들도 많은데 ‘어떻게 공무원이 저런 말을 할 수 있을까?’ 이런 생각도 들고…]
This wasn’t the end.
Mr. A sent a text message to the building owner over two days.
‘Where do you go to the public officials?’ There was also a content saying’Let’s see the end’.
[피해 건물주 : 불안하더라고요. 집사람보고 제가 어디 나가지 말라고 했어요. 술 취해서 또 언제, 어떻게 그런 상황이 될지 모르기 때문에. 또 해코지할 수도 있어서…]
Mr. A said that he did not remember the situation at the time, but he was angry when he asked a drunk person to pull out the car immediately.
I don’t remember sending a text message, but I said I would apologize and it was confirmed that I did it.
However, the building owner reported Mr. A to the police.
He says he will also put a civil complaint in Wonju.
Wonju city said it would conduct its own investigation when a complaint is received.
(Video Design: Yoo Jeong-bae)