Home » today » Health » To always be healthy: a doctor with 40 years of experience named the most useful product for the female breast – available to everyone

To always be healthy: a doctor with 40 years of experience named the most useful product for the female breast – available to everyone

Must be in the diet

Some products have a particularly beneficial effect on the female body. Infectious disease doctor, nutritionist with 40 years of experience, Svetlana Ishchenko, spoke about one product that, in her opinion, is the most beneficial for the health of women’s breasts.

Ishchenko noted that the female breast is an estrogen-dependent organ. When there are hormonal imbalances in the body, cysts, mastopathy, various formations, even cancer, appear in the mammary glands.

Every woman needs to regularly consume one product that contains a lot of indole. According to the doctor, indole is an excellent antioxidant, has an anti-cancer effect and “releases” estrogens along a favorable path.

“It turns out that this product is cabbage, and all its types. Our grandmothers also told us: “Eat cabbage to make your breasts grow.” Cabbage, of course, will not make breasts grow, but it will bring real help to women’s health,” the doctor says on his social network account.

In addition, the doctor recommends monitoring your diet and avoiding deficiencies of the most important vitamins and microelements for women’s health: vitamin D3, Omega-3, probiotics, lecithin, collagen and magnesium.

Previously, we reported how to get rid of headaches with water.

2023-12-08 02:02:20

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