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TNI’s New Rules, Police-Prosecutors-KPK Now Can’t Carelessly Check Soldiers


The TNI Commander’s Telegram Letter Number ST/1221/2021 regarding the summoning procedure TNI soldiers issued by law enforcement officials. There are four stages in the procedure for summoning TNI soldiers to be examined in relation to legal cases.

“Yes, it’s dated (November 5, 2021) yes. It means that the TNI Headquarters has issued an ST related to that,” said the Head of the Civil and Administrative Banks of the Indonesian National Armed Forces, Colonel Chk Rochmat, to reporters on Tuesday (23/11/2021) .

With this regulation, said Rochmat, misunderstandings that could potentially occur during examinations at the National Police, the KPK, and the Prosecutor’s Office can be minimized. “Regarding this summons right, the point is that we notify soldier to obey and obey the rules,” he said.

“So what? Do not let the summons come later, if there is a direct summons to the soldiers, if anything happens in the field, who is responsible,” concluded Rochmat.

Here are 4 rules for summoning and examining TNI soldiers:

1. Calls made to TNI soldiers by the Police, KPK, other law enforcement officers in order to provide information related to legal events must go through the Commander/Head of Units.

2. Summons for TNI soldiers who are not in accordance with procedures, so that the Commander/Head of Units coordinates with the law enforcement officers in question.

3. TNI soldiers who provide information regarding legal events to law enforcement officers can be carried out in their units accompanied by Legal Officers or Unit Officers.

4. TNI soldiers who provide information related to legal events to law enforcement officers can be carried out at the office of law enforcement officers who summoned them accompanied by Law Officers.

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[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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