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Title: General Secretary Xi Jinping’s Important Instructions Studied by Young and Middle-Aged Cadres at Central Party School in 2024

To be a reliable successor worthy of the important task of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation – the students of the Young and Middle-aged Cadres Training Course of the Central Party School (National Academy of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024 carefully studied and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, March 2Title: To be a reliable successor worthy of the important task of building a strong country and rejuvenating the nation – the students of the Young and Middle-aged Cadres Training Course of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024 carefully studied and understood the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions

Xinhua News Agency reporters Wang Sibei, Yang Zhanfei, Feng Jiashun

The training class for young and middle-aged cadres of the Central Party School (National School of Administration) in the spring semester of 2024 will be held at the Central Party School on March 1. General Secretary Xi Jinping made important instructions.

All students carefully studied and understood the spirit of the important instructions. Everyone said that General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions are high-level, far-sighted, and have a strong political, ideological, guiding and pertinent nature. They are an ideological mobilization to inspire young cadres to forge ahead on a new journey and make contributions in the new era, and are a guide for young cadres. The action guide for healthy growth is a scientific guide for young cadres to do a good job. We must study and understand deeply, implement it conscientiously, keep in mind the original intention and mission, work hard and forge ahead, and strive to run the baton of history well.

Young cadres are the new force for the development of the party and the country, and are the successors to the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics.

“General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important instructions have profoundly clarified the important role of young cadres in the development of the party and the country’s undertakings, and are full of care and expectations for our young cadres. I am deeply encouraged and motivated.” Secretary of the Taishun County Party Committee, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province Ding Yifeng said, “Born in a great era, I must cherish this best growth environment, the best stage for work, and the best opportunity for struggle, and focus on key tasks such as industrial promotion, urban construction, cultural empowerment, and enriching people and increasing income. Let’s work together to create more achievements in building a common prosperity demonstration zone in Zhejiang.”

General Secretary Xi Jinping requires young cadres to consciously be steadfast believers in the Party’s innovative theories, to be model practitioners who are loyal and honest to the Party, to be selfless contributors determined to benefit the people, to be tireless strivers who have the courage to take on responsibilities, and to do good deeds. A powerful promoter of political ecology.

“This contains not only ardent expectations in terms of ideology and politics, but also scientific guidance in the performance of duties, and earnest warnings in terms of discipline and style.” Gan Jingzhong, secretary of the Changping District Party Committee in Beijing, said that he will understand it with heart and emotion and practice it everywhere , and take practical actions to promote regional high-quality development and improve people’s livelihood and well-being.

Theoretical cultivation is the core of the comprehensive quality of cadres, theoretical maturity is the basis of political maturity, and political firmness stems from theoretical sobriety.

“The working conditions at the grassroots level are complex and diverse, and the masses’ demands are ever-changing, which requires us to continuously strengthen theoretical study and transform the learning results into practical work.” Zhang Yongsen, head of Shouning County, Ningde City, Fujian Province, said that we must consciously be the party’s innovative theory Those who believe deeply and practice it persistently should study Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, guide the way with ideological orientation, seek advice from thoughts, and use thoughts to promote work.

“Loyalty to the Party is the primary political quality of Communists. We must follow the requirements of the General Secretary and consciously be model practitioners of loyalty and honesty to the Party.” Zhao Yue, general manager of the Human Resources Department of China United Airlines Co., Ltd., said that as a As workers of central enterprises, they must maintain political determination, strictly abide by the party’s political disciplines and rules, have principles in mind, act without hesitation, and always maintain a high degree of consistency with the Party Central Committee.

The Communist Party of China is a party that serves the people, and benefiting the people is the greatest achievement of party members and leading cadres.

“Establish and practice a correct view of political performance, follow the party’s mass line in the new era, and improve the ability to do mass work. The general secretary’s request has made me clearer about the direction of future work.” Li Li, secretary of the Ordos Municipal Party Committee in Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, said that he will Always stand firmly on the people’s stand, establish the people’s views, keep in mind the fundamental question of “who am I, for whom, and who do I rely on?”, use heart and soul to do practical things for people’s livelihood, solve the urgent, difficult and anxious problems of the people, and strive to let the people of all ethnic groups in Ordos have More sense of gain, happiness, and security.

“Be willing to carry the heaviest burden, be able to gnaw the hardest bones, and be good at picking up hot potatoes.” This important instruction from General Secretary Xi Jinping made the Secretary of the Party Committee of the Yujialiang Coal Mine of the National Energy Group Shendong Coal Group Co., Ltd. Changbai Zhengping felt the burden on his shoulders became heavier.

“As a commander at the grassroots level of the coal industry, I will resolutely assume the mission and responsibility of ensuring national energy security and make every effort to ensure a stable supply of coal.” Bai Zhengping said. At the same time, I will closely follow the national strategic needs and major industry development issues, and play a leading role in ensuring the country’s energy security. The enterprise plays the main role of scientific and technological innovation, focusing on key core technologies for safe, efficient, green and intelligent coal mining, and constantly opening up new aspects of work by facing problems head-on and solving problems.

The way to govern is to cultivate oneself.

Cai Wei, director of the International Cooperation Bureau of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the National Supervisory Commission, said that he will bear in mind the general secretary’s instructions, carry forward a thorough self-revolutionary spirit to deepen his own construction, always maintain the iron army’s character of being loyal, clean and responsible, and daring and good at fighting, and always tighten the foundation of discipline and rules. Xian has always been at the forefront in the protracted battle against corruption, and has responded to the expectations of the Party and the people with more results in pursuing fugitives, recovering stolen goods, and dealing with cross-border corruption.

The key to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics lies in the party and the people. In the final analysis, it lies in cultivating and creating generation after generation of reliable successors.

“The General Secretary emphasized that we must grasp the fundamental plan of successors with a high sense of political responsibility and historical mission. This requires us not only to do a good job ourselves, but also to lead a good team.” Tian Xiangyang, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Shanghai Futures Exchange, said, In the future, we will focus on guiding young cadres to establish a correct value orientation, provide more practical opportunities, help them continuously improve their abilities and talents when encountering and solving problems, and use talent cultivation to help build a financial power.

On the new journey, young cadres have heavy responsibilities on their shoulders and have great potential. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s sincere teachings made all students more inspired and confident.

“We will bear in mind the entrustment of the Party and the people, take the important responsibilities of the times into our hearts and shoulder them, and accelerate the construction of marine resources based on our work positioning of strictly observing the bottom line of resource security, optimizing the land and spatial pattern, promoting green and low-carbon development, and safeguarding the rights and interests of resource assets. To strengthen the country, make its own contribution to serving and building a modernization in which man and nature coexist harmoniously.” said Liu Chunjing, director of the Marine Disaster Mitigation Division of the Marine Early Warning and Monitoring Department of the Ministry of Natural Resources.

2024-03-02 14:07:59
#reliable #successor #worthy #important #task #building #strong #country #rejuvenating #nation #students #Young #Middleaged #Cadres #Training #Central #Party #School #National #Academy #Administration #spring #semester #carefully #studied #understood #spirit #General #Secretary #Jinpings #important #instructions #Xinhuanet #Client

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