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Tips to maintain health and well-being in difficult times

THE CHANGES in routine, overwork, anxiety and high academic load are factors that can affect health. Occasionally, people face stressful seasons in which exercise, as well as eating nutritious foods and at established times, take the back seat.

To achieve a healthy lifestyle, the final objective is to achieve a balance between moderate physical activity and a diet that favors the body nutritionally and energetically. Clara Valderrama, nutritionist and dietitian and member of the Herbalife Nutrition Colombia Dietitian Consulting Council; And, Dr. Carlos Ulloa, medical surgeon specialized in sports medicine and member of the Nutrition Advisory Council of Herbalife Nutrition Colombia, make the following general recommendations to maintain good health:

– Consume natural sources of energy: the different food groups in which we find macronutrients (proteins, carbohydrates and fats) provide the calories that keep us active during the day.

– Spreading food consumption throughout the day is another simple strategy to maintain stable energy levels that lead to productivity.

– Drinks like tea can help you stay active thanks to the caffeine present in its ingredients. Foods with excess fat and sugar produce the opposite effect.

– It is advisable to establish a schedule for meals, including snacks. In this way, the metabolism will always work at the same rate.

– Snacks serve to moderate appetite before main meals, distribute nutrients throughout the day, and provide daily needs for micronutrients such as vitamins.

– For the moment of the ounces, it is important to include foods or nutritional supplements that contain protein, since they give a feeling of satiety and, consequently, lower the levels of anxiety. In the same way, whole fruits provide energy and fiber, and nuts have healthy fats, elements that also fulfill the function of satisfying appetite.

– Rest hours can be regulated through food. It is key to always eat at the same time and avoid eating large portions at night. This last meal should be taken at least one hour before bedtime and should not be accompanied with stimulating drinks, coffee, tea, among others.

– To combat insomnia, meditation is also a good alternative. Just 15 minutes before sleep will be enough to clear your mind and relax your body in preparation for quality rest.

– When choosing an exercise routine it is essential to identify the intensity level, for this you can seek the advice of a sports professional. It is recommended to start with a simple practice and gradually increase the degree of difficulty or the time of it.

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