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Tips to Help a Cancer Patient Cope with the Summer

On summer the schedules of our routine They change, we tend to spend more time on the streets and our diet also varies drastically. In addition, the sun and high temperatures wear us down and, therefore, we must take care to deal with them.

From the MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid they have launched a series of recommendations aimed at cancer patients so they can better cope with the summer. These tips go through comer in a balanced way, hydrate, protect oneself from the sun and to rest.

Take care of the diet

Specifically, Pedro José Robledo, head of the Clinical Nutrition and Dietetics Unit at MD Anderson Madrid, explains that “the ideal diet of an oncology patient should be varied, non-restrictive, with contribution from all food groups, easy culinary preparation, and adequate in caloric intake ”.

This professional ensures that some of the advice, in his opinion, can be applied to the entire population in general to be healthier in summer. For this reason, this specialist recommends “maintaining frequent consumption of vegetarian food such as cereals, vegetables and fruits (at least five servings a day), which in summer is not only palatable, but is also a very important prevention factor ”, he points out.

Likewise, Robledo speaks of consumption of red meat, indicating that this must be “moderate, no more than 125 grams and once a week ”. In addition, it clarifies that “patients with digestive tumors tolerate this type of meat very poorly, so it is advisable to consume more chicken or fish.

The nutritionist also remembers that it is important control quantities of food eaten during the summer season, as an excessive intake of calories may not always be beneficial, “even though it may come from healthy foods, some of which are rich in calories.”

Robledo also emphasizes that “overweight and obesity are not recommended in any case, but even less in patients with breast, prostate or colon cancer.”

In addition, the doctor recalls that “those patients who receive oral or intravenous chemotherapy treatment may present as a side effect intestinal transit disturbances with phases of colitis or constipation and poor tolerance to some foods ”. Therefore, to prevent this situation, a good oral hydration, despite “that it is not always feasible with the intake of water”, since “it tends to taste bad and be tolerated worse”. In this way, the expert assures that water can be substituted for cold infusions, juices (although its sugar content must be regulated) and, in more serious cases, “replace fluids directly with oral rehydration solutions.”

Take care of the skin and protect it from the sun

Another care that must be taken into account at this time, are those related to the hygiene and the skin. Therefore, Arantxa Ruiz, supervisor of Radiotherapy and Oncological Hospitalization at MD Anderson Cancer Center Madrid, alerts the risk that exists in sunbathe, since patients who have received chemotherapy should not sunbathe directly and those who have not received chemotherapy should always be protected with factor 50, although they should not be exposed either.

“Chemotherapy can cause photosensitivity. And the patient who is in treatment may present symptoms such as dryness, redness, peeling, darkening and pigmentation of the skin. In addition, with radiotherapy we greatly increase the risk of sunburn in the treated area ”, explains this specialist, who warns about the importance of protecting oneself from the sun.

In addition, Ruiz assures that, although everyone must have special watch your head in summer, cancer patients who have suffered hair loss still need more. “With hair loss, the scalp loses its main barrier of protection against the sun’s rays, so it is advisable to always wear the head covered. If you wear a wig, it is important that you let the scalp rest for at least six hours a day and overnight. This is especially important in summer, since sweat can enhance irritation of the scalp ”, he emphasizes.

As for protection from the sun, this specialist also insists that you should protect the eyes from the sun’s rays, due to loss of eyebrows and eyelashes. “You should wear quality sunglasses whenever possible, even on cloudy days,” he insists.

Take care of hygiene

As for the corporal hygiene refers, Ruiz recommends “washing the skin with a soft soap with neutral pH. Take short showers and avoid long baths, using warm water and avoiding sudden changes in temperature ”. The expert advises using moisturizing and soothing creams, “that are emollient and restorative of the hydrolipidic barrier, at least twice a day.”

On the other hand, Arantxa Ruiz insists that hydrate hands and feet well, since they are parts of the body that present more dryness. He also explains that bathing in the pool or in the sea is not contraindicated, of course, “as long as the skin is not damaged by the treatments.”

Once the patient comes out of the water, dry “by tapping soft with a cotton towel ”, since rubbing could cause injury.

Other situations to consider

The experts at this Madrid medical center recall that both air conditioners and cold air currents could cause respiratory infections that complicate the administration of treatments and the patient’s prognosis, so they should be Avoid sudden temperature changes.

Finally, due to cancer treatments, drugs or the emotional situation of patients, it is possible that they have an altered sleep rhythm that does not allow them rest enough
body. If so, professionals advise “avoiding very intense activities” and doing “rest periods during the day”, as it can be a good siesta to regain strength.

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