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Tips for the way home – “We’re sorry”: St.Gallen canton police apologize after a shit storm about women’s advice

Tips for the way home

“We’re sorry”: St.Gallen canton police apologize after Shitstorm because of women’s advice

In order to protect themselves from attacks, women should not look too deeply into their glasses and shouldn’t “scurry” on their way home at night: An adviser from the St. Gallen canton police met with massive criticism on social media at the weekend. The police have since deleted him and apologized.

A guide to women’s behavior causes trouble on the net.

Image: Raphael Rohner

“Obviously, if you are not in your right mind, you are an easier victim. Therefore only drink alcohol in bulk so that you can still think clearly »: This is what the St.Gallen canton police advised women in a guide on how to behave in public in order to prevent harassment and assaults. The online guide was activated two years ago and is now meeting with massive criticism on the Internet. In addition to the tip that women shouldn’t drink too much, it is also advised that they shouldn’t walk home alone. “Women who exude self-confidence are less likely to be harassed than frightened women who scurry home unsafe,” the guidebook goes on to say.

Victims of assaults understood as perpetrators

On Twitter, users sharply criticized these tips. Here, victims of assault and harassment are taught as if they had done something wrong. Carla Reinhard, politician of the green liberal party, posted the advice on Twitter:

Women don’t have to drink less, men have to harass women less – where is the men’s guide?”

Men are the problem

The guide was then distributed and shared on all possible platforms. The tenor of the commentators is clear: The tips require that women adapt their behavior and not that society be sensitized. Andrea Goodbrand sums up the situation in a tweet:

“The reason men attack women is because men are abusive towards women. It has absolutely nothing to do with women »

The St.Gallen canton police have taken note of the Shitstorm and have now deleted the guide from 2019. The law enforcement officers responded on Twitter with an apology: “We have taken the advisor offline. We are sorry that in writing these tips we only addressed women in the role of victim. The guide is several years old. It was overlooked that this should have been adjusted. The Kapo SG takes a clear stand against victim blaming or the stirring up of myths. “

Clear announcements and raise public awareness

In addition to the shitstorm about the behavioral tips from the police, the advice was also found by some users to be basically good. Among other things, it is advised to make clear announcements in public: «If someone comes too close, say loudly and clearly that you do not want this and that the person should move away. In many cases this has a great effect because the other person does not expect such a direct announcement. If this doesn’t help, don’t hesitate to approach other people and ask someone specifically for help. ”

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