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Tips for Taking Care of the Mental Health of the Sandwich Generation

TEMPO.CO, JakartaSandwich generation is a term that refers to people who are caught between the demands of caring for elderly parents and children who are still dependent on them, physically, mentally-emotionally, and financially. The term was first introduced by two social workers, Dorothy Miller and Elaine Broody, in 1981 to describe caregivers who are sandwiched between two generations.


Sebagai pelaku rawat, orang yang berada di generasi sandwich umumnya dituntut untuk memberikan dukungan fisik, mental-emosional, dan finansial baik bagi anak-anaknya dan juga orang tuanya yang telah lanjut usia. Secara umum, karakteristik generasi sandwich biasanya adalah pria dan wanita berusia 30 tahun ke atas yang telah menikah dan bekerja. Generasi ini menanggung beban dan tanggung jawab dalam memberikan perawatan dan layanan, seperti transportasi, pengaturan makan, perawatan kesehatan, dan urusan rumah tangga lain, baik bagi anak-anak maupun orang tua.

Survei di Amerika Serikat tahun 2007 menunjukkan generasi sandwich yang terdiri dari usia 35-54 tahun mengalami tingkat stres lebih tinggi karena dituntut untuk menyeimbangkan peran dalam perawatan anak dan juga orang tua. Hampir 40 persen wanita generasi sandwich melaporkan tingkat stres yang ekstrem. Stres ini tidak hanya mempengaruhi relasi personal terhadap pasangan, anak, dan keluarga namun juga kesejahteraan diri sendiri.


Menurut dr. Zulvia Oktanida Syarif, Sp.KJ, spesialis kedokteran jiwa RS. Pondok Indah, generasi sandwich yang menjadi pelaku rawat bagi dua generasi ini lebih rentan mengalami berbagai masalah kesehatan mental, seperti burnout (kelelahan fisik dan mental), gangguan tidur (banyak tidur atau kurang tidur), perasaan bersalah, khawatir terus-menerus, hilang minat terhadap aktivitas yang sebelumnya disenangi, kecemasan, dan depresi.

“In the end, these mental conditions can also affect physical health, such as higher stress hormone levels, more frequent sick leave from office work due to infection with infectious diseases, lower immune response to influenza, slower wound healing, higher obesity rates. higher, and a higher risk of mental health decline,” said Zulfia.

The challenge of being part of the sandwich generation during the COVID-19 pandemic is increasing because the need to care for the health of children and parents to be protected from COVID-19 infection is also getting bigger. At the same time, the individual must also maintain self-immunity so as not to be infected.

Therefore, it is very important for the sandwich generation to learn how to maintain health, both physically and mentally, and balance various roles. The dual role of the sandwich generation has a negative impact, both in terms of physical, psychological, emotional, and financial burdens.

Research Evans et al. in 2016 showed that women of the sandwich generation need to have a strategy to be able to balance the roles of mothers, elderly nurses, and workers. Zulfia said there are six strategies to balance these roles, namely maintaining health and well-being, suppressing perfectionism, managing time and energy, releasing responsibilities, maintaining social and reciprocal relationships.

A balancing strategy for the sandwich generation is needed to keep stress levels down. How to? Ask for help, because so far it’s not uncommon for the sandwich generation to do a lot of things themselves. Seek help with some household chores, child and parental arrangements, and so on. Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but of strength when it comes to managing the tasks that need to be done.

They also need to make time for themselves. The busyness of carrying out the role of taking care of two generations sometimes makes women of the sandwich generation not have time for themselves. Take special time to do things for yourself, such as doing a hobby or just relaxing and pampering yourself.

Then have a family gathering. Family gatherings can be a place to share our hearts and support one another. Family meetings can also be used to discuss various problems faced and focus on finding solutions together. It can also increase closeness between family members and strengthen social support for the sandwich generation.

According to Kusumaningrum’s research (2018), the higher the perception of social support, the lower the parenting burden felt by the sandwich generation. During this pandemic, family gatherings can be done online. This does not reduce the sense of intimacy that exists in the family.

Maintain good communication in the environment. When tired and stressed, communication patterns can be severely affected and tend to lead to more emotional patterns of communication. When communication patterns are characterized by discomfort and conflict, stress levels tend to increase. Learn how to communicate assertively and well to maintain a calm and comfortable atmosphere in carrying out the role of the sandwich generation.

To suppress stress, the sandwich generation sometimes needs to let go of control. Every now and then, let go of everything. Perfectionism can result in higher stress. Learn how to not always organize everything in life. Delegate or hand over certain tasks to others.

Lastly, of course, enjoy the moment well. Try to be able to enjoy the moment you have right now. Enjoy the role in caring for children and see the growth and development of children and enjoy the role in caring for parents as a form of love and devotion.

Make every moment precious in your life and family. If the various ways to relieve stress above have been done but still feel depressed or depressed and cannot carry out the functions of daily life properly, you should consult a mental health professional such as a clinical psychologist or psychiatrist.

Also read: Sandwich Generation Squeezed Generation, Tips 5 Steps to Save Finance

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