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Tips for Quitting Total Smoking During Ramadan

It’s hard enough for people who are accustomed to smoking after eating to suddenly quit. But there is nothing wrong if you also intend to stop smoking in this month of Ramadan.

Smoking is easy to make people addicted even though many are aware of the dangers that can be caused by smoking.

Quoted from detik.com, heavy smokers who decide to quit completely in the month of Ramadan may experience withdrawal symptoms 3-5 days after quitting. Symptoms that appear include irritability, emotions, and difficulty concentrating.

In addition, they will definitely find it difficult to hold back the feeling of wanting to smoke after breaking the fast and the desire to overeat which can lead to weight gain. Even so, the month of Ramadan is the perfect time to quit smoking

“In addition to the aspect of fasting, the fact that most people actually control their cigarettes for 14 hours is testament to the fact that they can try and eventually quit smoking again and again.” Long and long periods of fasting can reduce nicotine levels in the blood, making it easier for them to quit, ”said Dr Mustafa Saif, a specialist in internal medicine in the United Arab Emirates.

Here are some tips that can be done so that you can stop smoking completely during this holy month:

1. Replace unhealthy foods when breaking the fast with healthier choices such as vegetables; carrots, cucumbers and other fibrous foods to prevent excessive carbohydrate consumption.

2. Start breaking the fast with soup to make it more full and avoid foods rich in carbohydrates

3. Make quitting the strongest resolution so it can’t be swayed by anything else. (Red)

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