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Tips for Properly Watering Your Vegetable Garden in Summer

Ideally, when watering vegetables in the garden, many different factors should be taken into account – from plant variety to soil characteristics. How to water the garden in summer?

Probably every gardener at least once heard the word “agrotechnics”. It is a science that studies the care of plants of different species and types. Irrigation is one of the methods of agricultural technology. If watered correctly, it can be a boon for vegetable crops, otherwise it can even lead to stunting. What rules do you need to remember to get a big harvest?

Is it possible to water the garden with cold water

On our plots, we mainly use a hose, attaching a variety of sprinklers to it so that watering is more even and better, and also occupies the largest possible area. In any case, water for watering the garden is taken from a well or well (in rare cases, water supply). And she’s pretty cold.

It should be borne in mind that in summer the soil can warm up to 70 degrees in the sun and up to 35 degrees in the shade. Therefore, watering with cold water can damage plants. First of all, it causes rotting of the root system, slows down development, and reduces resistance to diseases. Therefore, experts recommend using drip irrigation. In this case, the water in the hose will warm up and will be supplied to the plants already warm.

How often to water vegetables in the garden

There are no universal watering schedules, because the region, soil composition, plant age, weather conditions, garden or vegetable garden density, etc. are always taken into account.

Some garden crops need to be watered more often than others, and there are some that can grow without additional watering at all. For example, if you ask how often to water tomatoes, then some of the gardeners prefer to grow this plant without watering. If you pour enough water into the hole during planting, and then properly mulch the bed, the bush will grow with a good supply of leaves and ovaries.

Why can’t tomatoes be watered? You have probably noticed more than once that there are barely noticeable prickly hairs on the leaves and stems of this garden crop. Plants need them to store moisture. In the early morning, you can see that the leaves of the tomatoes are completely wet. At night, fog settles on them, and at dawn, dew, moisture particles collect in drops, flow down the leaves and are absorbed by the plant.

How often to water cucumbers ? There are also prickly hairs on the leaves and stems of these plants, so during rain and if there is dew in the morning, they get enough moisture. Before flowering, cucumbers are watered no more than twice a week (rain is also watering). During the growth period, once every five days is enough. But when the ovaries already appear, the best amount of watering is to increase up to three times a week. From mid-August until the end of the season, one watering for 10 days is enough for cucumbers.

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#Plants #water #vegetables #garden
2023-06-09 11:32:00

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