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Tips for Preventing Hepatitis Transmission in Children and the Elderly

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Virus hepatitis can attack children and adults but can be prevented from entering the body. The trick is to vaccinate as early as possible because this virus can attack anyone who has weak immunity.

Here’s how to prevent the transmission of hepatitis.
-Vaccination hepatitis A and B.
-Use a condom during sex.
-Don’t share needles.
-Keep clean such as washing hands with soap and water.
-Do not use the infected person’s personal belongings.
-Take precautions when tattooing or body piercing.
-Be careful when traveling to areas of the world with poor sanitation.
-Drink bottled water on the go.
-Avoid going to nursing homes and daycares because these locations pose a risk of hepatitis transmission.

How is hepatitis spread?
Hepatitis A can be spread through food or drinking water containing the virus through pieces of feces from an infected person, the so-called faecal-oral route. You can also get hepatitis A from sexual contact.

How is hepatitis B transmitted?
-Having sex with an infected person.
-Sharing dirty needles.
-Direct contact with infected blood.
– Needle stick injury.
-Transmitted from mother to fetus.
-Exposed to the body fluids of an infected person.
-Infected mothers are highly likely to transmit hepatitis B to their children during or after birth.

Usually, pregnant women should be tested for hepatitis B. Within 12 hours of birth, babies of mothers with hepatitis B will need to receive treatment with hepatitis B antibodies and a vaccine. hepatitis B. This can prevent the transmission of hepatitis B from mother to baby.

Read also: IDAI Calls Handwashing One of the Prevention of Acute Hepatitis

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