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Tips for people to combat anxiety generated after mass shooting in the New York subway | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

stabbed himafter the mass shootingweek in the subway, manypassengers could experienceanxiety when using the service.berenice garber talked withsuggestions to see howface a similar situation.berenice: we got to queensto know how it isshooting that alarmed the city.this is what we have been told.>> very scared for whatpaó in those ways.camino.berenice: ana should take twotrains every day there andreturn to his work.something i’m doingdifferent than before?be attentive, do not occupy theauiphones.. it’s something a lot of people docheck around.paralyze…berenice: a former sergeant of thenew york police saythe best way to beat theterror is to be prepared.>> safety starts withourselves.we have to be alert.see what it tells usintuitionberenice: the expert says thatside of the train, to wait for theside of the screen, with thatknows when the train arrives.if there are policemen, bringstay close to themlook for a security camera.the other is never stopplatform edge.whenever you knowpossible to the wall and do not allowthat people pass near you.as soon as the wagons, beforeget on prefer one notI was very idle.if you see a homeless or aperson who producesfear, try to change.for the train to pass, waitother.it’s better to waste a minutelife, not life in aminutes.berenice: esá a laswarnings apply toall scenarios.only 2% of crimes happen inthe trains.to the passengers in thepublic transport for newyork?looking at the stats,you have the most security in atrain crossing the street todaygo.the transit system todayI was going to be there for surebeen in the last 30 years.number of passengers continues inascent, it is therefore that thepandemic will drop below 6,000,000daily on average to only

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