It can happen that you suffer from diarrhea on holiday, especially in warm countries where hygiene standards are lower than you are used to. Diarrhea is usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection, such as stomach flu or eating spoiled food.
The intestinal wall is inflamed, and therefore absorbs less moisture. Diarrhea complaints often consist of abdominal cramps or abdominal pain, fatigue, fever, headache, vomiting and nausea, in addition to constantly having to go to the toilet because of the watery stools. Especially the elderly and children should watch out for dehydration, especially in hot weather.
What food and drink?
Even if you don’t feel like eating and drinking, it is still very important to get enough fluids and food when you suffer from diarrhea. Try to drink small sips of water, tea, broth or diluted fruit juice, about two to three liters a day. Avoid clear juices, such as apple juice, as they can have a laxative effect.
It is important to eat a lot of fiber when you have diarrhea. This keeps the stool supple and gives volume and firmness to the contents of the intestines. So opt for lots of vegetables, such as string and green beans, sprouts, broccoli, endive, bok choy or celeriac. Supplement this with wholemeal products, such as wholemeal pasta, wholemeal bread, oatmeal, brown rice or wholemeal couscous. You can also get ORS at your local pharmacy. This is a mixture of salts and sugars against dehydration, so that you also replenish your minerals in addition to moisture.
Definitely don’t do this
You may think: I’m going to take diarrhea inhibitors (for example Norit tablets), because then I’ll get rid of the diarrhea the fastest. However, this is not a good idea. The result is that the cause of the diarrhea and the other complaints, such as a bacteria or parasite, does not disappear through the stool, but remains in your body for longer.
2023-07-21 09:57:34
#dear #holiday #diarrhoea #absolutely