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Tips for maintaining kidney health in the summer

Posted by Fatima Khalil

Thursday, 09 March 2023 04:00 PM

Did you know that summer can take its toll on… Kidney health Yours? The scorching heat of the summer sun, especially during the afternoon hours, can be hard on your kidneys and be more dangerous for children, the elderly, and people with chronic diseases, such as chronic kidney disease, heart disease, and liver disease, so they need to take special care of themselves to prevent problems Kidneys during these months. In this report, we provide tips for maintaining kidney health in the summer, according to the “Health” website.

How does the summer season affect your kidneys?

People tend to get dehydrated during the summer, especially due to the heat, which leads to a lot of health problems. Some of the common problems that can affect you during summer include acute kidney failure, increased incidence of kidney stones, and urinary tract infections. Moreover, intense exercise without an adequate level of hydration can lead to muscle injury, which leads to leakage of muscle protein into the blood. Which leads to acute kidney failure.

To avoid all this, you need to take appropriate measures so that you do not suffer from any unwanted complications.

What can you do to protect your kidneys in the summer?

1. Stay indoors during the hottest part of the day.

2. Avoid exposure to the sun for long periods during peak hours, i.e. 4-12 pm.

3. Use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or greater.

4. Wear cotton and lightweight clothing.

5. Watch for signs of dehydration such as dry mouth and throat, oliguria or dark urine color, increased fatigue, muscle cramps, dizziness, and irregular or rapid heartbeat.

6. The color of your urine is also a great indicator of your hydration level. Lemon represents an appropriate level of hydration, and orange or any darker color represents dryness.

7. For people without a chronic disease, it is recommended to keep fluid intake between 2-3 liters per day.

8. People with chronic diseases such as chronic kidney disease, heart disease, etc., should consult their doctors about fluid intake. It is important to keep the body hydrated in summer, but kidney patients need to be careful to avoid excess fluid. The best is to measure the volume of urine and add 500ml to sweat, which should be your fluid intake.

9. People who exercise should drink 350ml of water before exercise and supplement it every 30-45 minutes.

10. People who work outdoors in summer should increase their water intake by 250ml of water approximately every 20 minutes to maintain an adequate level of hydration.

11. Increase the intake of water-rich fruits and vegetables such as melons, peaches, strawberries, cherries, cucumbers, and lettuce to ensure mineral and water replenishment.

12. Avoid soft drinks that are high in caffeine and sugar because they cause dehydration even though they are in liquid form.

13. Limit your intake of processed foods such as chips and ready-to-eat food items as they are high in salt which can increase the chances of causing dehydration.

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