Meat is one of the most prepared foods, both in restaurants and in the home kitchen. Most housewives prepare it in the most diverse and sophisticated dishes, depending on the area, appetite and preferences. However, an impediment is the fact that they often have to cook old meat as well. Fortunately, there is a trick that will soften it.
You have probably asked yourself what to do if the meat you are preparing is old. Yes, you must have thought of boiling it for a long time, until it becomes softer. Well, Click! presents you with a trick that will help you achieve the much-desired result.
What you need to do to properly cook aged meat
Many housewives are used to boiling old meat in a pressure cooker. While it’s a handy option, culinary experts present a much more helpful option.
So, if you have a quantity of old meat which requires a long time to boil, all you need to know is that it cooks much more easily if, a day before it is to be prepared, it is kept wrapped in a linen cloth, stored in a warm place.
How much meat should we actually be eating?
Any food in excess is harmful, and meat is no exception to the rule. Nutritionists sound the alarm about the amount of meat we eat. Mihaela Bilic explained how meat consumed often, in large quantities, can harm our health.
“The correct amount of meat should be 500g/week, if we consider that a correct portion is 150g and the size of a pack of playing cards. Yes, she is that small! It should be like this, in a rough calculation: in these 500g we get about three servings of meat per week, but pay attention, this also includes sausages, not just steak.
Three servings of meat, two servings of fish, and two days of eating plant protein: beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, and I’d say we’re in balance nutritionally.
We forget to eat these, the grains, twice a week, but also the fish. Let’s be serious, I don’t think everyone eats fish twice a week. I would like it to be so, but I don’t think so. We, on the other hand, are more carnivorous.
We, as Romanians, like meat and eat no more than 500g. I mean, you can eat 500g even at one meal, if that. (…) Well, in terms of proteins, at least we have an advantage in that they are difficult to convert or even do not convert into fat. It’s no coincidence that protein diets are in vogue, they actually work.
Proteins tire the liver and kidneys a bit, but from the silhouette point of view they give satiety, fill us up and do not turn into fat. And then it’s normal, as long as there is an abundance of food, to have a tendency to eat more protein”, said Mihaela Bilic in the “Beauty Pill” show.
2023-07-15 09:57:11
#boil #meat #easily #secret #chefs #dont #Click