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Tips for Better Sleep: Lifestyle Changes to Beat Insomnia

Insomnia is a common problem and treatment depends on the causes, but below we will give you some tips to help you sleep (lifestyle changes):

– The room is a place designated only for sleeping (or a place where you have sexual intercourse) whenever you feel sleepy (you should avoid watching TV, reading, and using a cell phone in bed).

– Try to go to bed at the same time every day (using a daily diary to record sleep times will help you with this). If you cannot fall asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed and do something that helps you relax until you feel sleepy.

The room must be dark, quiet, and suitable for sleeping. The temperature and comfort must be appropriate. Avoid drinking alcohol, caffeine, and nicotine excessively in the afternoon, or eating heavy meals at night.

– The daytime nap should not exceed 30 minutes (before 3 p.m.).

– Exercising in the morning (or 6 hours before bed), drinking hot chocolate, and bathing with warm water may help you sleep.

– You should be exposed to natural light.

– There may be a need to conduct cognitive behavioral therapy in some cases.

– Sleeping tablets should not be used without consulting a doctor (avoid addiction to them). A plant called Valerian root may help some people sleep.

It should be noted that it is not recommended to sleep for more than 9 hours (6-9 hours), and those who slept less than 5 hours a day recorded a higher death rate than people who slept normally.

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2023-09-27 07:16:47

#Ways #combat #insomnia #healthier #sleep

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