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Tips for Avoiding Holiday Traffic and Charging Queues – Try a Pro Membership for NOK 1!

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(Elbil24): – Alternatively, think about the time you travel, then you avoid queues, says senior communications advisor Nils Sødal at Naf.

Increased costs, rising interest rates and a weak Norwegian krone mean that many choose to postpone their holiday to Norway this summer. This can put increased pressure on the roads and charging stations.

– We are herd animals and tend to go on holiday at the same time. Friday afternoon there is a lot of pressure on the roads from the biggest cities, says Sødal.

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– The technology is completely unique

– Choose a different time than everyone else, and you won’t have to start your holiday in a queue, he continues.

If you charge in this way, the battery loses capacity

– Choose other chargers

More and more chargers for electric cars are being built along the roads and the coverage is good in large parts of Norway.

Nevertheless, there is a lot of pressure on a number of charging points on major departure days.

– There are several ways to avoid the charging queue. One thing is the same as for car queues, namely traveling outside the departure days. Another way to avoid charging queues is to choose chargers outside the charging stations with the most traffic, says Sødal.

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Slower charging without queuing

There are often queues for charging at many of the largest charging stations.

There are many people who focus on these and this can lead to great pressure on the departure days.

– There are charging stations in towns along main roads. There are rarely many people there. So a tip is to take a short detour from the main road to charge, says Sødal, before concluding:

– Admittedly, the charging may be somewhat slower then, but without queuing you won’t lose time. In addition, you get to see a place that you wouldn’t stop at otherwise.

2023-07-18 07:20:13

#avoid #worst #queues

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