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tips and steps to follow on the day of the vaccination

Tips for going to the vaccination center in Valencia

The vaccine in Valencia will begin to be inoculated tomorrow, Monday, April 19 in the four large mass vaccination centers that will open their doors to receive the thousands of Valencians who have already been summoned to receive their dose of AstraZeneca, Pfizer o Moderna to continue the fight against the pandemic of coronavirus in the Valencian Community.

The City of Arts and Sciences of Valencia, the Alicantina Fair Institution (IFA), the City of Light and the Palau de Congressos de Castelló are the large authorized mass vaccination points. To them are added another 18 specific facilities and 48 proximity points.

In order to facilitate the vaccination process and to guarantee the optimal development of mass vaccination, the Ministry of Health has given recommendations to the population who have an appointment to be vaccinated.

Recommendations to get vaccinated against covid

  • To be punctual. Do not go before time to avoid queues and crowds

  • Carry the card SIP and DNI for correct identification

  • Wear suitable but light clothing to easily uncover the shoulder

What will the mass vaccination process be like?

The health authorities of the Valencian Community They have also explained how the vaccination process will be once the patient has appeared at the center where they have been summoned. Here are the steps to take when you get the vaccine:

  1. Receive a SMS with time and place where you should go to get vaccinated

  2. Go punctual where have you been summoned

  3. Head to the punto where it will be checked who has an appointment

  4. Will perform a survey about his health condition and medical history to make sure you can get vaccinated

  5. Access to to the vaccination area
  6. Se le inywill eject the dose on the opposite shoulder to the hand you use most often (right shoulder on left and left shoulder on right)

  7. After receiving the vaccine, you will be taken to a waiting area

  8. Must wait about 30 minutes, in the event that you have been injected AstraZeneca, to make sure you are okay

  9. You can Leave the vaccination room

Vaccination schedule in Valencia

In the ‘vacunódromo’ of the City of Arts and Sciences inoculate doses from 08:30 to 20:30 “uninterruptedly”, to 6 people0 and 61 years and they will be administered the AstraZeneca serum.

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Steps to follow on the day of the vaccination

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