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Tingling and Erectile Dysfunction, Could Be Symptoms of Diabetes

TEMPO.CO, JakartaDiabetes occurs when insulin cannot regulate blood sugar levels, causing sugar to build up in the blood. In general, diabetes is divided into two types, namely type 1 and type 2.


Diabetes tipe 1 terjadi ketika sistem kekebalan tubuh menyerang sel-sel yang memproduksi insulin. Biasanya, ini tidak terkait dengan usia atau berat badan dan penderita diabetes tipe 1 akan membutuhkan suntikan insulin. Sementara itu, diabetes tipe 2 terjadi ketika tubuh tidak menghasilkan cukup insulin atau sel-sel tidak bereaksi terhadap insulin. Diabetes tipe 2 merupakan jenis diabetes yang paling sering terjadi.

Melansir Express, kadar glukosa yang tinggi dalam aliran darah dapat menyebabkan sejumlah gejala, termasuk gejala awal seperti:


-Kelelahan sebagai akibat dari sel-sel menyerap lebih sedikit glukosa.

– Hunger because cells absorb less glucose so they send hunger signals.

Frequent urination, as your kidneys try to filter out excess glucose, you may urinate more often.

-Thirst and dehydration from frequent urination. You may feel very thirsty and your skin becomes dry.

-Blurred vision, another consequence of dehydration.

-Yeast infections, excess glucose can make both men and women more susceptible to yeast infections.

-Wounds that do not heal due to nerve damage slow healing.

Symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes
Type 1 diabetes usually comes on very quickly. It is most commonly diagnosed in children. So, if you have a family history of diabetes, you should watch your children closely to see if they show any of these warning signs:

-Sudden and unexplained weight loss. This is because the cells don’t receive enough glucose and burn fat, causing rapid weight loss.

-Nausea and vomiting. As a result of burning fat, the liver produces substances called ketones into the bloodstream. High levels of ketones can make you sick.

Symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes
Type 2 diabetes caused by insulin-resistant cells. Insulin resistance means you absorb less glucose from your blood. Type 2 diabetes is sometimes known as lifestyle diabetes because lifestyle choices can increase the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

You are more at risk of developing type 2 diabetes if you are overweight, don’t exercise regularly, eat too many sugary and high-carbohydrate foods, have high blood pressure, and are over 45 years old. The signs of type 2 diabetes are usually:

Tingling or numbness in the hands and feet
Type 2 diabetes can damage nerves and blood circulation. Pain, tingling, and numbness can be caused by nerve damage or poor circulation.

Darker skin areas
You can develop a condition called acanthosis nigricans which causes darker, velvety areas of skin, especially around the armpits, groin, and neck.

Erectile dysfunction
Men may experience erectile dysfunction for the first time or more often as a result of the circulation and nerve problems that accompany type 2 diabetes. If you suspect you may have diabetes, don’t delay seeing your doctor.

Also read: This is Healthy Living Behavior to Prevent Diabetes

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