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Tinder introduces video chat in corona crisis – multimedia

The use of the Tinder dating app increased in the Corona crisis. However, personal meetings go back. The app is now planning a video feature.

Social distancing is still the top priority in times of the corona crisis. The use of the dating app Tinder has recently increased significantly. However, personal meetings were not possible. The dating app is now planning its own video chat feature. Users can then chat face to face and get to know each other without a physical appointment.

Users who have a match should be able to use this video chat in the future. Of course, the function would not replace the previous text messages, but would expand them. Exact details of the implementation are not yet known. The video chat should be available from the end of the year.

“Demand for human contact will never decrease”

According to a recent report by Match Group, the Tinder parent company, the average daily swipes have reached an unprecedented high. Women under 30 are said to have swapped around 37 percent more in April, which is normal. The number of messages sent every day also increased by around 27 percent compared to the previous month.

“We are confident that the demand for human contact will never diminish, and we continue to strive to meet this need. But this time of social isolation would be much worse for single people who have no other opportunities to meet and connect “If our products didn’t exist,” says Tinder in a press release.

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