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‘Tinder for friendships’, website Naomi has been storming since corona

“I moved from the Randstad to Brabant two years ago and noticed that it is difficult to make contact with others”, Naomi tells EditieNL. “When I talked about this with others, it turned out that many people have few friends and are really lonely.”

4500 new members in corona time

That should be possible differently, Naomi thought, so she started looking for a way to easily get in touch with new people. “I got the idea to start an online platform and then accidentally came across a website that could be taken over.”

Last year, Naomi became the owner of the website Wannabefriends, a meeting website for women looking for new girlfriends. “It was quite outdated and out of date, so I gave it a new lease of life. New functions, a new corporate identity …”

After a somewhat slow start, the corona crisis suddenly meant that many more women were able to find the website. “It has gone up tremendously since corona. We have gained 4,500 new members in that period.”

On your own

“We now get at least ten registrations every day, much more than before,” says Naomi. “A lot of people ended up sitting at home because of corona. You are then confronted with how few contacts you have around you. At work you have a chat from your colleague, or you go to the supermarket. Suddenly you have to rely on yourself. . “

That can be quite confronting. “I think that for many people the penny has fallen: who am I actually around me? And therefore started looking for a way to have more entitlement.”

Girlfriend Search Engine

Anyone who registers with the website can create a profile and connect with other women online. “You can use the friends search engine to look for members who have registered in your area. You can then chat, or play an introductory game. A kind of Tinder, but for friendships.”

Drink cup of coffee

Naomi’s plan to organize all kinds of fun activities where people can get to know each other has fallen into the water due to corona. “It must now come more from the ladies themselves. I can’t organize girlfriends weekends now, but you can meet together to drink a cup of coffee or go for a walk.”

Naomi hopes the website can help women feel less lonely. “It can enrich your life enormously if you have nice people around you. That you can go to them for the nice and the less pleasant things”, she says. “You don’t have to have ten best friends, but if you only have a few around you.”

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