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Timsus found CCTV footage of Ferdy Sambo’s house, contents leaked

Wednesday, 20 July 2022 – 22:54 WIB

The Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo (center) gives a press statement regarding the development of the shooting case of Brigadier J at the National Police Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday (20/7). Photo: Ricardo

jpnn.com, JAKARTA – The riddle about the whereabouts of video recordings from surveillance cameras (CCTV) at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo’s official residence has finally been revealed.

The special team (timsus) formed by the National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo found CCTV footage about the incident that led to the death of Nofryansyah Yosua Hutabarat alias Brigadier J, at the house of the former Head of the Profession and Security Division (Divpropam) of the National Police.

“We have found CCTV which can clearly reveal the construction of this case,” said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo in Jakarta, Wednesday (20/7).

Inspector General Dedi’s statement contradicted the statement by the South Jakarta (South Jakarta) Metro Police Chief Kombes Budhi Herdi Susianto about CCTV at home. Ferdy Sambo in a damaged condition.

Currently Kombes Budhi has been removed from his position as the number 1 person in the South Jakarta Metro Police.

Dedi explained that the Timsus was studying the video. “Later (CCTV footage) will be opened by the Timsus when the investigation is complete,” said the high-ranking police officer.

Therefore, Dedi is not ready to reveal the contents of the recording. According to him, the Timsus will convey the findings in detail.

“So, not in pieces, we will convey comprehensively what has been achieved by the Timsus formed by the National Police Chief,” said Dedi Prasetyo.

Incident that killed Brigadier J occurred at Inspector General Ferdy Sambo’s house at the Duren Tiga Police Complex, South Jakarta, on Friday (8/7).

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