Home » today » World » Timo Soini comments on the election dispute between Teuvo Hakkaraisen and PS – 2024-02-26 20:28:26

Timo Soini comments on the election dispute between Teuvo Hakkaraisen and PS – 2024-02-26 20:28:26

Timo Soinis, the former chairman of Basic Finns, feels that certain people are now being sidelined in Basic Finns.

The former chairman of Purusfinomanit says that the unwritten rule is that a sitting representative is a candidate if no scandal or crime is known. Elle Laitila

Former chairman of the Basic Finns Timo Soini considers it unusual that the party’s sitting MEP is not accepted as a candidate for the next term.

Party secretary of the Basic Finns Harri Vuorenpää said that the party government of Basic Finns does not accept the MEP Teuvo from Hakkarai as a candidate for the EU elections in June. Hakkarainen himself announced his candidacy.

– It is an unwritten rule in all parties that the sitting representative is a candidate and is not subject to member votes. This is, of course, in the normal procedure, that there has been no crime or some kind of scandal. There has not even been a reference to something like that, nor has it been in the public domain, says Soini.

Shall we make room for the list?

According to Soin, Perussuomalaiset is now hinting at internal, secret reasons.

– People like that can’t stay a secret. It’s only a matter of time if there is a real reason. Or are there just some other reasons to make room for the list, Soini ponders.

It’s strange about Soin that just a couple of weeks ago, the soon-to-be president of the republic Alexander Stubb was interested in getting Teuvo Hakkarainen’s recommendation.

– And apparently it was Pekka Haavistok too was at the top, Soini continues.

Based on Monday’s news, Teuvo Hakkarainen’s position among basic Finns is confusing. HENRI KARKKÄINEN

“After all, Teuvo has been colorful”

Soini feels that certain people like Hakkarainen are now being pushed aside in basic Finns.

Laura Huhtasaari was excluded from everything. A former member of the European Parliament, a long-term member of parliament, a vote rake and a presidential candidate, and coldly aside from ministerial lists, Soini describes the activities of basic Finns.

Hakkarainen was a Member of Parliament from 2011 to 2019 and was then elected as an MEP.

– Has the self-esteem skyrocketed there, that these old experienced forces are not appreciated. Or what is the matter? Are the men from the backwoods put in the yard and the women from the backwoods too? This is somewhat confusing.

According to Soin, the truth is a nice thing because no matter how deep you dig it, it eventually breaks out. According to Soin, there may be pressure from the field of basic Finns to get justifications.

– There are Teuvos like that on the field, not one or two, but 20,000–30,000. Of course, Teuvo has been colorful and there are many kinds of toilai. But at least as far as I know, nothing special has been on display lately.

“They set off quite a bomb”

Soini also ponders whether the reason is that the “worker” of basic Finns Matti Putkonen has retired and now cleans brooms.

According to Soin, in his time, candidates were interviewed, and usually the criteria for candidacy exist.

– It is quite special that Hakkarai has not been consulted in any way, and no reasons have been presented. They set off quite a bomb for their own fingers with this one.

This is how Teuvo Hakkarainen reacted when the preliminary votes in the 2019 European elections were published: “It’s a wonder this is”. Mika Rinne

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