Until 2019, Timmermans supervised EU countries’ dealings with democracy and the rule of law as European Commissioner. He challenged Hungary and Poland, among others, to European courts and became their bogeyman. Due to a new Hungarian law that threatens to put gays and transgenders in a bind, the issue is again attracting a lot of attention.
Since Timmermans is no longer in charge of the rule of law but of the climate, the committee is wrongly showing more patience, he believes. “My successors who say: more dialogue, Timmermans went to court too quickly,” says the Dutch Commissioner in the political talk show Buitenhof. “Well, I think we’ve figured it out now: we need to go to court faster. Not slower.”
‘Voters win’
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán “goes after the gays” because he thinks he will win voters by doing so, Timmermans suspects. He came under fierce criticism from almost all other EU leaders, the PvdA member notes with satisfaction. But „we should not concentrate solely on this subject. We also have to make sure that the other things he does, that we address him accordingly.”
The European Commission calls the new Hungarian law, which should prevent children from being brought into contact with homosexuality and gender reassignment at school or through books and films, “discriminatory.” She has already threatened Hungary with legal action if the country proceeds. The law is now in effect.
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