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Timely care reduces the risk of breast cancer

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Upon detecting any abnormality or lump in the breast, it is necessary to go immediately to the medical units to make a timely diagnosis, which increases the chances of a successful treatment, assured Alma Teresa Orozco Padilla.

The oncologist attached to the General Hospital of Zone Number 8 of the IMSS in Ensenada highlighted that the Institute has intensified actions for the prevention, promotion and detection of breast cancer in women between 20 and 59 years of age and adults over 60 years of age.

He indicated that the warning signs of breast cancer can be different in each person, there are even women in whom there are no obvious signs or symptoms.

Orozco Padilla detailed that among the most common warning signs are an abnormal lump in the breast or armpit, increased thickness or swelling of a part of the breast, irritation or dimpling of the skin in the area, redness, peeling, sinking of the nipple. or secretions and pain.

A mdulos PrevenIMMS
For this reason, he reiterated the importance that, in case of detecting any of these signs, they go to the PrevenIMSS modules, located in the Family Medicine Units, where trained personnel carry out various educational activities to teach women and men to identify early. abnormalities in your breasts, to start treatment early.

Finally, the specialist recalled that detection or screening mammography is useful to identify small lesions, which in many cases may not cause symptoms, but may be present and progress in the body, and is performed in women between the ages of 40 and 69. .

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