Home » today » News » Timeline of young businesswoman is at home every day Addicted to COVID because a friend sneezes at all

Timeline of young businesswoman is at home every day Addicted to COVID because a friend sneezes at all

Open a timeline, a sympathetic businesswoman who is at home, orders delivery to eat all the time, but misses a game of COVID because her friends just sneeze at once

Public relations office Bangkok The results of the investigation were disseminated. 134 cases of COVID infected people in the provinces at the hospital in the Bangkok area and 431 people in the Bangkok area. Most of it comes from previously confirmed patient exposure. Going to entertainment places Gathering place And proactive examination of Bangkok

Timeline that gets attention Patient 445 was a female patient. Career Which found her timeline at home most of the time Eat food then order delivery But became infected with COVID Just because going out to eat with friends once

It was found that the timeline was revealed from December 29th, she was at home and ordered Deliverie until Jan 3, she went to eat with a friend. And was sneezed by a friend Not wearing a mask And know later that This friend is infected with COVID. Until later on Jan. 7, she was examined and found that she was infected


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