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Time turns suddenly! Wet snow falls for hours, you see …

The gypsy summer ends today. From tomorrow begins a more prolonged climate change, with a drop in temperatures.

Friday afternoon in Stara Planina it will rain, above 2000 meters the precipitation will be due to wet snow. On Saturday it will rain on Rila and Pirin, still wet snow on the higher parts. But they will be scarce, 5-8 liters per square meter.

On Sunday there will be more sunshine in the eastern regions, the average temperatures at the weekend will be 10-15 degrees, Saturday 12-17.

This is what meteorologist Petar Yankov predicted for “Bulgaria morning”.

He warned us to prepare for a significant cooling in the coming week. Maximum temperatures will reach 16-17 degrees.

“We expect heavy rainfall. There will be a significant drop in temperatures, wet snow precipitation will be on the high parts of the mountains and on the high fields in the western parts.

These snowfalls will melt quickly. The maximum temperatures will be 5-10 degrees. Winter makes a serious demand for its arrival with this rainfall, “Yankov commented to Bulgaria ON AIR.

According to him, there will be heavier rainfall on November 16-17 and 19-20. Wet snow will also fall in populated areas, but it will melt quickly.

“The most severe precipitation will be around November 19-20, then there will be a period of cold with supercooled mists, with low temperatures of 0-3 degrees, and highs of 5-11 degrees.

Then there will be drier weather, but with frequent fog and dangerous for transport, there will be sections in the morning with ice formation “, warns the meteorologist.

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