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Time Traveler Edward Reveals Photo from Year 5000 and Predicts Apocalypse Due to Global Warming

  • He claims to be a time traveler
  • He showed a photo from the year 5000 as proof

A man calling himself Edward claims to have returned from the year 5000 and has proof of the impending apocalypse, writes a British server The Sun. According to him, cities, including those in the desert, will eventually be under water due to global warming.

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The time traveler has photographic proof

The man, known as Edward, said in an interview with ApexTV that he was selected for a top-secret program in 2004 and was transported 3,000 years into the future by a time machine. “I’m going to tell you a story that will amaze you and amaze you,” he declares in the video, his face blurred and his voice distorted, allegedly to protect his identity.

“The whole city of Los Angeles was under water. All this has happened because of global warming,” he says. “Immense chunks of ice at both poles melted and the world was engulfed in water. It was unbelievable. I was standing on a huge wooden surface and there was only water everywhere.”

Edward revealed that he was sent to time travel in 2004 from a laboratory in Los Angeles where he worked. According to the mysterious guy, the building stood in a completely public place and looked like any ordinary office from the outside. It is said that no one could have known that it was a super-secret government facility, in which a special device would be created that people know from science fiction movies and books.

He is said to have also met other people on his pilgrimage in the future. “I asked a man in the year 5000 what happened that the world was under water. He replied that they melted the glaciers and there was an apocalyptic flood.’

Towards the end of the video, he then shares with the audience a photograph that captures what was right before his eyes during the expedition. The blue image shows strange structures evoking a shot of a sunken city.

One story out of many

This is certainly not the first case when such a “time traveler” has stepped forward and wanted to share his “observations” or “testimony”. For example, TikToker @futuretimetraveller claims to have traveled to our present from the year 2491. His videos delve deeply into extraterrestrials and often include outlandish accusations that they plan to wage war on humanity.

According to most scientists, something like a time machine exists only in the imagination of the authors of books and movies. “But the mathematics of time travel affects things we use every day, like GPS satellites.

Preview Photo Source: Courtesy of ApexTV, Source: The Sun, Mirror

2023-12-17 12:05:36
#world #underwater #time #traveler #showed #photos #allegedly #returned #year

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