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Time bomb … gags cause infection of the Corona virus

As soon as they hear about viruses and infection, people turn to pharmacies to get masks to prevent the evil of deadly viruses, but the surprise that many people do not know is that these medical masks increase the chances of infection.

The risk of infection with the Corona virus is increased by incorrectly wearing a face mask, as the doctor, “Eli Burnsevich,” an infection prevention specialist, explains: “Most people wear it unintentionally, and mistake themselves”, adding: “The masks will not protect the average person.”

He pointed out: “I have not seen anyone training in hand hygiene before removing the mask in public places and then after removing the mask.”

Meanwhile, “Burnsevich,” a professor of medicine and epidemiology at the University of Iowa School of Medicine, stressed that the average healthy person does not need a mask, and should not wear masks.

He said: “There is no evidence that wearing masks on healthy people will protect them, they wear them incorrectly, and they can increase the risk of injury because they often touch their faces.”

Explain that the time you want a mask is if you are sick and you have to leave the house.

“If you have the flu or you think you have COVID, then if you feel sick, you should wear a mask to protect your family members,” he added.

The official WHO advice reads: “If you are in good health, you just need to wear a mask if you are caring for someone with a suspected infection with 2019 nCoV.”

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