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Timau National Observatory: A Historic Moment in Space Research in Indonesia


The construction of the Timau National Observatory (Obnas) will be completed in 2023. Now the observatory is in the process of installing a secondary mirror in July 2023.

Kupang National Observatory Station Coordinator, National Research and Innovation Agency (BRIN) Abdul Rachman said that the installation of primary and tertiary mirrors would also be carried out soon.

“The main instrument, namely the 3.8m telescope and its buildings including the 14m diameter dome, has been built around 55%. This main instrument is targeted to be completed in the next 2-3 months,” said Abdul Rachman on the BRIN Official website, Wednesday (2/8/2023) .

Abdul Rachman hopes that 2023 will become a historic moment in space research in Indonesia. This coincides with the targeted completion of the main instrument of the National Observatory project which was built at the foot of Mount Timau, East Nusa Tenggara.

“Obsnas Timau is intended as a national facility that accommodates advanced space research and besides that it also plays a role in interdisciplinary scientific development and various other related activities,” he said.

Second Observatory After Boscha

It is known that Indonesia already has a Bosscha Observatory in West Java. The observatory has been around for 1 century.

The difference between the Bosscha Observatory and the Timau Observatory will lie in the location and main instruments. Timau was chosen as the Obnas location because the sky has very low light pollution and access to the location is relatively easy.

Abdul Rachman continued, NTT has sky conditions that are less cloudy than other regions in Indonesia. Making the number of days with relatively clear skies above 65% per year.

“Very low light pollution means a more natural, darker sky which allows dimmer observations of space objects,” he added.

“Another differentiator is that Obsnas Timau is equipped with a larger telescope so that it can observe much dimmer celestial bodies and more modern supporting instruments,” he said.

Present the Most Clear Sky Views in Indonesia

Head of the Aviation and Space Research Organization Robertus Heru Triharjanto also added that Mount Timau provides an opportunity to see clear and dark skies in Indonesia.

“Mount Timau is a place that can provide the most opportunities for clear and dark skies in Indonesia,” said Robertus.

Robertus hopes that with the completion of Obnas Timau, a group of astronomers and astrophysics scientists will be formed which will become a global reference for Indonesia. This observation facility will not only invite scientists from all over the world, but will also become one of the observation sites for man-made space objects.

“Especially and what is important to observe are satellites that are no longer functioning and former orbiting rocket parts. These objects can interfere with satellites that are still operating or even launch satellites in the future,” concluded Robertus.

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2023-08-02 23:30:00
#Indonesias #Observatory #NTT #Completed #Apparently

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